We are not alone, in the universe, or on Planet Earth! So why do most people not know the truth?steemCreated with Sketch.

in blog •  8 years ago  (edited)

I have touched on this subject before in a post here on Steemit (Mars the Planet) and I wanted to revisit the issue. This time, however, I am going to provide more evidence (proof) that Otherworldly Intelligent Beings exist and have visited Earth; as well evidence that they are still among us.....living on Earth in secret!


For virtually the entirety of human history, or at least as long as we have had a means to record information, there has been evidence of alien visitations here on Earth. There are cave paintings dating back 10,000 years in India that show both Aliens and UFO's. (Source: India Times)


That isn't even the oldest record of aliens. There are rock carvings that were found in China that are of UFO's and date to 45,000 BC. There are around 12,000 BC the Dropa visited China in their "air gliders" from the Sirius constellation. The aboriginal people of Australia have been in contact with "Dawn Beings" since 8000 BC and there are numerous cave drawings dating back 10,000 years depicting them and the aeronautic craft they visited in. In 4000 BC the Sumerians wrote the Sumerian Texts in which they documented aliens from Mars, Pleiades and Sirius. They also had a numerical and astronomical understanding well beyond their times. In fact we (humanity) have just reached their level in the last 100 years or so in mathematics and astronomy.

In 2000 BC Peru's pre-Incan civilization had contact with aliens from Pleiades and then went on to build massive cities at 13,000 feet above sea level with stones weighing as much as 20,000 tons (20,000 * 2,000 = 40,000,000 POUNDS). In 593 BC Ezekiel recorded an incident in what is now part of the Bible of an alien visitation.

Every single race, culture, creed, ethnicity, etc. in the last 12,000 years has documented, in some form or another, aliens. Many of them have also documented ufo's, airplanes, helicopters, battleships, submarines and countless other things that wouldn't be invented for thousand of years afterwards. (Source for previous 3 paragraphs: Educating Humanity)

Are humans the first intelligent beings on Earth?

Throughout history there have been over a dozen alien races documented to have visited our little corner of the universe and made contact with the human inhabitants of this blue rock we call Earth. There is even evidence that modern humanity that arose after the last ice age may not even be the first Intelligent Race to live, or evolve, on this planet.

There is a growing group of people who are researching OOPArt's (Out of Place Artifacts). These are artifacts that have been discovered that the people of the era should not have been able to produce. For example the Baghdad Battery, the Antikythera Device and the Abydos Helicopter found in Egypt. Where these objects created by man alone? Did they have help from otherworldly beings? While some of the OOPArt's were barely beyond comprehension of the times and therefore could have been invented by man alone, the majority of them defy all logic. The Antikythera device is a perfect example. We still to this day have no freaking clue what the hell it was; nor are we even sure when/where/by who it was made. (Source: Wikipedia)


Then there is the growing number of OOT's (Out of Time Artifacts) that have been discovered in recent years. For example the human (wearing shoes) foot prints that were left in stone more than 200 million years ago. The metal spheres found in South Africa. Or how about the Copper Coin that was found while drilling a well in Illinois at a depth of 114 feet that was surrounded by sediment dating to between 200,000 and 400,000 years ago; long before "Civilization" appeared on Earth roughly 10,000 years ago.

In 1913 a Modern Human Skull was found in Tanzania and dated to over 800,000 years old. It is not even remotely similar to prehistoric humanity but virtually identical to humans that are alive today. (Source: Forbidden Knowledge)

Aliens, Time-Travel and other mysteries!

A reasonable, intellectual and clear minded person could infer that we are not only being visited by aliens but that either Humanity isn't the first intelligent race on this planet or that our future selves develop the ability to travel through time and have visited our past leaving behind evidence in the process. The currently accepted scientific theory on Time-Travel is that it would only be possible with a Time-Machine on both ends. Meaning until a Time Machine is invented, time travel is impossible. Once one is invented you could only travel along the Timeline the machine exists in.

What if that isn't right, what if Time is like a ball of yarn and every second of time is touching another point in time. What if there was a way to jump from one point in time to another point in time by simply getting off one strand of yarn by stepping onto another strand. If this theory proved to be true time travel would be inherently dangerous, unpredictable and there wouldn't be a return path home. You would literally have to keep jumping from one point in time to the next hoping to finally find your way back to your own time. Then you must also consider that if time and space are synchronized then stepping from one point in time to another would move you from one place to another as well. You might step out of the 21st century in Atlanta, GA and step into 3 million BC in the middle of what is now the Pacific Ocean.

So where did these unexplained artifacts that defy time come from?


The Earth is widely accepted to be 4.5 billion years old and humanity having first appeared roughly 1.6 million years ago. By current scientific understanding it took over 4.3 billion years for Earth to go from creation to the intelligent human life that exists on it today. Furthermore, if you believe current scientific knowledge it took 1.6 million years for us to evolve and develop from Cro Magnon man to Modern Man. Scientists are steadfast in this belief, as a general rule. Even in the face of the ability to watch and record evolution in modern times and see just how fast things can and do evolve.

What most people do not realize is that in the last 1.6 million years there have been at least 5 Humanoid races develop on Earth. Homo naledi, Homo erectus, Australopithecus, hobbits (quit laughing that existed up until 18,000 years ago), Denisovans, and Neanderthals. If 6 different humanoid races can evolve on Earth in the last 1.6 million years, many of whom coexisted for a period of time, then who is to say that before the last ice age something similar didn't happen here on Earth....or before any of the cataclysms that wiped out most of life on this planet.

Furthermore, if the propensity for life is so abundant here on Earth with at least 6 different intelligent species arising here then who in their right mind could believe that it only happened here.

Aliens are among us, have bred with us and live with us in secret!

There are researches who believe that as many as 82 alien races are currently in contact with Earth or living on Earth. (Source: Inquisitor). Numerous government officials have even come out in recent years and stated that we are in contact with Otherworldly beings. For example the former Canadian Minister of Defense:

President Bill Clinton's former Chief of Staff, John Podesta, believes in aliens!

Former President Ronald Reagan not only believed in Aliens but personally saw a UFO.

There are a ton of politicians who have publicly stated that Aliens exist and or are here on Earth.

Food for thought!

With such an overwhelming amount of evidence pointing to: the existence of aliens, aliens visiting Earth and Aliens living on Earth why do the powers-that-be continue to hide and obfuscate the truth from Humanity? Is there some sinister plot to turn all of humanity into alien-human hybrids, alien slaves or something worse? The vast majority of humans alive today (well over 50%) believe that we are not alone in the universe, so why keep hiding the truth?

Furthermore, since there are so many alien races living on Earth and Visiting Earth regularly why in the hell am I still living on this rock and not on some alien Space ship with my alien bride traveling around the universe....I mean seriously surely there is one horny, desperate alien chick out there with a space ship that wants to create a new race of humanoids with me.


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