Good morning Steemians,
I’m taking a break in the regular scheduled program to free-write. Why you might ask? Well for a couple reasons. The main reason is because I’m slightly hungover. The second reason, is I think it’s important to practice writing from a natural place. Just to shoot words out without giving too much thought into what I’m trying to say. Often times, it’ll lead to some good points or open topics up. So bare with me, as I take a day to detox. Homeostasis is really important for divination purposes in my experience.
As you can tell from my previous post, I was kinda shitting on the Eagles, and for no good reason. They played their asses off and deserve all the good shit coming to them. Most of my friends are Pats fans. Needless to say, we were disappointed, but not to the point of breaking things. I find it pretty incredible how much of an emotional investment it is to be a real sports fan. It’s something that only comes out of me if I’m watching a fight on TV. Teams not so much.
Teams almost always devolve the individual. You might say, “well that’s the point’. And you’re right. That is the point. But IT’S ALSO THE PROBLEM PEOPLE! I mean, yes, we’re social animals. Yes, we’re tied together by genetic bonds some might call family. But it’s all about the individual, right!? Try this thought experiment: Imagine, a world of introverts. Left to their own devices, and utterly smothered in sovereignty sauces. How would that world look? Would it be vastly different from the world we live in today? Abs-a-fricken-loutely. One things for sure, our tech would be wayyyy better. We’d have Tesla coils everywhere, because there wouldn’t be a GROUP of oligarchical totalitarian lizard-men plotting to destroy his vision of a world with free energy. There would be no wars. None. Because there wouldn’t be sides to fight them. All conflicts would be sorted out Mano-a-Mano. One-on-one baby. Winner takes all. You wanna have power over someone? You better be damn good at fighting because no SEAL team 6 will do the dirty work for you.
Human behaviour folks. What the fuck are we doing? We’re fucking up the Earth and the Alien overlords are piissseedd. I feel like this will be the year we learn about our extraterrestrial origins. Oh yeah, went there. Nobody can argue with 12 seasons of Ancient Aliens. It’s over 200 hours of proof! You can’t disprove it now. There’s no chance. People running around universities trying to pinpoint which monkey bridged the evolutionary gap, you’re wasting your time. We’re leaps and bounds more sophisticated than the apes. Better off spending the resources looking for bigfoot, and let him know we’re about to blow this sucker up.