The Zombie Apocolypse

in blog •  7 years ago 

      This is something that people say in jest. Some people actually prepare for this. I submit we are already in the midst of one.

      It never ceases to amaze me. How much time and energy is wasted on stupidity.  Gun control. Racism.  Kardashians. Television in general. These are all examples of time sucking wastes of mental power.  I used to be one of these Zombies. Stare at my cell phone, watch the hottest show, cheer on a sports team. Go make money to buy stuff that I did not need so that I could impress people that I did not know.  Mindless and robotic make the money to buy the things until I have too many things so I need a bigger space to keep my things. 

    When you write it out it looks completely nonsensical but this is generally what people do everyday. This is generally the goal in life. To gather enough things so that you too can make a "Here in My Garage" video.  You get sucked into the labor cycle.  I have to work the hours so that I can live and someday I can go someplace for a vacation. One day you wake up and realize you have just spent twenty years doing your best impression of a hamster in a wheel. 

    Then a little more time goes by and you get to retire. Retirement for most means a monthly check and confusion about what to do with their time.  That monthly check for some is a nice chunk of change and those people can go do things. Most however, have been overworked for too long and are broken. Getting out of bed is an accomplishment. As I age this is what bothers me. If I finally manage to make something useful for the people of planet earth I will not really be able to enjoy it. Pain is my friend daily and my activities would still be limited by that. Luckily I am a simple creature. I will never own a lambo or wake up in a bugatti because I have no desire for either one of those vehicles.  I simply wish to be able to visit family when I want to and a diesel truck that runs and goes is enough for me. 

     I have to go be a zombie tomorrow because my rent is due in a few days and I do not have it.  Those pesky bills do not pay themselves.  I hope I find something soon.

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Just love this piece

a diesel truck would be good in the zombie apocalypse

While you are at it buy some American home shield insurance. To protect yourself from zombie apocalypse.

no. But thanks for the suggestion