Found My First Epic Planet on 0xuniverse! 08-19-2018

in blog •  7 years ago 

I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with 0xuniverse but it's a game I've been playing that is entirely on the Ethereum blockchain.

I'm slowly becoming obsessed with this game even though it's in it's very early stages and the only point is to find more planets at this point.

There are 1 million planets in total with 1% being Legendary, 10% being Epic, 25% being rare, and the rest being Common.

Today was the first day I've found anything after days of searching but I found 2 Epic planets back to back!


This is the first one I found. I was pretty excited to get my hands on one of these.


This was the next one I found. Back to back Epics. This one I think is a little better having the Legendary resource but it's close between the two.


This was the Common I found to finish off the day. I'm happy with it considering gas fees were nice and low today.

Check it out and let me know what you think. I see lots of potential for profit considering most planets sell for around 0.03 ETH or more and the gas fees to find one are minimal.

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Great Post 😆
