Blog 8: Steemit, Suggestions, & MoresteemCreated with Sketch.

in blog •  7 years ago 

Hello steemians!

Once again I’m back here writing to you guys when instead I should be doing my homework. Look, I can’t help it. I just love this platform and I’ve barely scratched the surface I feel like in terms of what I could do for you and the platform.

While messing around today I was thinking about things that would make using steemit a lot easier. While writing content for you guys it occurred to me that there was no way of scheduling posts to release at a later date, without manually doing it yourself. This would mean I would have to write all the content ahead of time and then manually post each of them on the days I’d like for them to go up.

I have no problem doing this, but still, having a built in feature that would allow us to schedule when we want posts to go up would be fantastic! Let me know what you guys think in the comment section bellow. Would you guys like to see something like this, or is there already something out there that enables us to do that?

In other news, something crazy happened last Thursday! I finished up two classes early in the day, getting ready to head to my third and last class of the day. When I arrived to the room the lights were off. At first I thought to myself that maybe everyone was running late. In fact the instructor, usually doesn’t arrive until the start of the class and sometimes a few minutes after. No biggy right?

As I sit there by myself I began to worry as no one else was showing up. Five minutes passed by and finally a few others showed up. At this point I was reassured that class was going to continue as scheduled. However another ten minutes passes and the instructor was nowhere to be found.

At this point I had to figure out what the heck was going on. I pulled out my phone to check my school email in case I had maybe missed a memo regarding class cancellation. Nothing new in my inbox. I asked a few of my peers around me who’re just as dismayed as I was. They reluctantly didn’t have any answers either which made the situation even weirder.

Finally after a whole twenty five minutes of waiting I decided that it was enough and proceeded towards the administration office. Even though I received no email from my instructor I wanted to make sure that I was covering all grounds before leaving.

When I arrived at the admin office, only a few minute walk from the classroom, I asked if the campus was having email server issues. When asked why, I responded with my short story of how no one has shown up to the class, including the instructor and that I had not received any update regarding the class being canceled for that day.

The person helping me was just as shocked as I was. I’ve never had anything of the sorts happen to me before. As it stands I don’t know exactly what happened, the admin office gave me some paperwork to fill out regarding the “incident” and I went on my way. Will have to let you guys know if there ever is a resolution.

Some people may have not gone as far as I did regarding the issue, however the way I see it, if you’re paying money to be in a class learning something you should be getting your money’s worth. In this case I wasn’t and so felt it impertinent to get down to the bottom of it.

Other than that it’s been a pretty normal weekend. I do have to say that I’m super stoked about the Adventures in Wurm Online series I started. I wasn’t expecting it to do as well as I thought and for that I’m super grateful. I want to thank everyone so far who has upvoted on those. Lets all become big whales together!


I’m looking forward to doing more of those and will do my best to plan ahead every part so that I have something up for you guys consistently. I’m also considering doing video, so please let me know if you guys would like that. That could include and isn’t limited to Wurm, I would also cover other games. Most likely rpg’s and other titles I enjoy. Let me know what you guys think.

A game I played in the past recently is starting to get out of “development hell” and might be interesting to cover. Will give it some thought. Until then I hope you all are well and are having a great weekend!

See you guys soon.

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