Media Monday: Empire Records (1995)

in blog •  6 years ago 

Allan Moyle

Anthony LaPaglia- Joe aka Store Manager
Rory Cochrane- Lucas aka The Screw Up
Johnny Whitworth- AJ aka Artist
Ethan Embry- Mark aka Band Boy
Robin Tunney- Debra aka Miss Attitude
Renee Zellweger- Gina aka The Slut
Liv Tyler- Corey aka Miss Perfect


Synopsis: A funky little record shop provides the setting for this youthful comedy that centers on the workers there as they try to help poor Joe (Anthony LaPaglia), the manager who really wants to buy the place, recoup his losses after his well-meaning, but dim-bulbed employee Lucas (Rory Cochrane ) steals his savings and loses it all in Atlantic City while trying to increase it twofold at the gaming tables. If they cannot come up with the loot, the mega-chain Music City will buy it.

My Thoughts
I loved it. I'm not completely sure why, it may be because I'm beginning to have a thing for 90s movies. I would watch it again, and I just might after this review. As I watched the movie I noticed three things. One, Joe definitely has a soft spot for his employees. Two, everyone agrees that Rex Manning sucks. Three, music stores were awesome back then.


I begin to notice that Joe had a soft spot when he didn't fire Lucas after STEALING $9,104 from the store safe. You can't see me, but I'm definitely face palming. If it was any other store manager Lucas would've been fired, and reported to the police. The more the movie goes on I noticed that Joe genuinely cares about Debra when she self harms. He goes as far as participating in a fake funeral for Debra at the store which ended up being Confession Time for everyone. By the end, I realized that Joe lets his employees get away with anything without serious repercussions. The store is literally an organized mess. Everyone does as they want, but the customer is still being attended to in a timely manner.

During the movie Rex Manning Day is an important day, well to Corey it is. Corey is Rex Obsessed, and she thought she was going to lose his virginity to him. Rex Manning, a pop artist, apparently no one at the store likes him, because his music sucks. Manning's manager even quits on him on the day of his poster signing. By the way, his haircut and tan suck too.

By the time the movie ended I wanted to work at a record store. I realize that many records stores may be ran this way because of rules and regulations, but I still think it would be fun. A laid back boss, freedom to run the store your way, and meet celebrities. Please sign me up. Maybe I just want to work for Empire Records, and not exactly any records store. Nowadays, I don't even think many records stores are open, because people just stream music now.

I really liked this movie. It reminded me of when I worked at a small call center, we would all just kind of hang out, but also do our job. The movie was nostalgic, and gave me Clueless and Breakfast Club vibes.

Watch the movie,

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