How is Aging Reflections ?

in blog •  6 years ago 

Your early 30s are an interesting age because I think it’s the first time in your life that you actually experience what most people would call aging.

Everything up to about age 20 or 25 is growth. You don’t “age” as a teenager, you grow. Then, throughout your 20s, you “mature,” you "find yourself," you "figure things out," but you’re still young and you’re still certainly not feeling any effects of aging.

Physically, the human body peaks around age 27, and I think that’s when the sense of physical decline kicks in. I also think it’s around then that one has gained enough adult experience to be able to look back at oneself 10+ years ago with some decent amount of perspective.

I don’t actually. I know very little. But this is kind of why the subject fascinates me at the moment. It’s a new experience for me. This feeling of “getting old.” So, in honor of my birthday, I just want to take a moment to talk about …

I know you were reading that and getting all into it, but I’ve got to stop you here for a second. Because you seem to have somehow stumbled onto a subscriber-only article, and I hate to say it, but this shit ain't free.

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