Debate: Why Discussions on Hot Button Topics NEED to Be Discussed and Debated with Respect and CivilitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in blog •  6 years ago 

The debate on how to shrink the federal government is at the core of our problem of government not doing its job.
~ Darrell Issa

In all debates, let truth be thy aim, not victory, or an unjust interest.
~ William Penn

Use soft words and hard arguments.
~ English Proverb



de·​bate | \di-ˈbāt,

Definition of debate

: a contention by words or arguments Our polite chat about politics became a heated debate. The case sparked a raging public debate on property rights. : such as

a law, government : the formal discussion of a motion (see motion entry 1 sense 3a) before a deliberative body according to the rules of parliamentary procedure

b : a regulated discussion of a proposition (see proposition entry 1 sense 1b) between two matched sides the last presidential debate before the election the debate's moderator

Heated Discussion or Bullying?

I have listened to good debates and yelling matches. The former can still have an emotional element to it depending on the topic while the latter never ends up well for either side.

Why would someone bully?

  1. No foundational argument to stand on. This person either doesn't like the person they are yelling at or they don't like the opposing viewpoint or both. Needless to say, yelling isn't listening and if listening isn't occurring on BOTH sides what is the point?
  2. They are a paid shill. Nuff said.
  3. Bullying has gotten them this far in life. Most people don't want to oppose a bully, so the bully "wins" the argument because most won't be subjected to such sophomoric behavior. IMPO: Bullies are boring since they only want to surround themselves with those that have the exact opinions they have. We learn the most from those that challenge our beliefs from time to time. It's called personal growth and it doesn't happen without being uncomfortable.
  4. They are emulating others that they call friends. These might not be full time bullies but when the opportunity presents itself (or they are drunk or drugged) they might puff up some feathers and push the little guy or gal. Sounds like someone needs to find a hobby and some self confidence.

What is Wrong with Being Wrong?

Is it all the test taking that we had to endure through the years of school that has programmed us for the need to be right? Why? Or maybe its a sign of weakness?

It takes courage these days to listen to an opposite opinion. Notice I didn't say anything about listening and changing your mind. I am just suggesting that the fine art of listening has been slowly lost over time and replaced with yelling to drown out their perceived offender. I see it on the screen and now no one wants to be around another that may have a different opinion or viewpoint. Are we supposed to all have all the same ideas and concepts? Really? Did you walk in a day?

Does Anyone Else Feel Like Life is a Big Social Experiment?

My foundational question: Who does this benefit?

  • Who benefits from the common people fighting amongst themselves?
  • Who benefits from a population that no longer cares about the disenfranchised and poverty stricken?
  • Who benefits from a population that doesn't look beyond the superficial to the root of the problem?

We are NOT an Island

None of us can do this alone. Reach out to your neighbor. Talk kindly to strangers. Help out at an animal shelter. Give away to others what is still useful but you no longer need.

If we take care of each other, we can turn the tide of hate and injustice around. It can be done, one kind act at a time. All we need to do is listen.

Happy New Year and God Bless!!!

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