What's the easiest way to make your blog popular?

in blogging •  7 years ago 

You need to get to a point in your writing or other forms of content where you can consistently make an emotional connection with your readers or viewers or listeners.

This requires lots of producing - whether writing or vlogging, day in day out so that you can more reliably find the content that strikes a chord with your audience.

If in doubt, write or create things that you yourself find fascinating. What ideas or topics make you come alive when you think about them? These are the things to focus on because if they bring you to life, others will be attracted to those ideas too.

Seeing the statistics, likes, engagement and reading your comments really helps with this.

Striking emotional chords with consistency is what leads to traction - the exponential rise in the engagement you will see on your blog. A popular blog is one with traction.

Use this emotional ‘power’ to amass your tribe of followers. Having followers attached to you is vital to the ongoing success and growth of your blog.

Make sure you encourage sign-ups and follows throughout this journey. Your followers or newsletter subscribers provide an instant means for you to promote future content to the people who have already shown you that they are interested.

Don’t expect to find your all important traction until you’ve posted at least fifty (really 150) articles or posts.

Volume, particularly in the early stages means everything as much as the quality of what you create.

Check out my Red Lemon Club blog - a blog about self development for creative people - to see how my writing has evolved over a decade of work.

Good luck.


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[alexmathers]have a nice day!

And you friend!