6 Methods On How To Make Money Blogging

in blogging •  4 years ago  (edited)

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How To Make Money Blogging

Today, blogging has become the preferred option for establishing your presence on the web. Blogs provide an insight into the lives of so many people. However, did you know you can also make good money from blogging? Many people now earn part-time and some even full-time salaries by blogging for money. Here are tips on how you can monetize your blog and earn some good money.

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Starting a Blog For Money

  1. Log on to the blogging platforms and register yourself. You will get all the necessary instructions. You can also create a blog on your website using the top-level domain name. This is a great plan if you plan to transform the blog into an internet business totally.

  2. After creating the blog, it's time to start working. Here, you need to put your best foot forward if you really want to make money. Your posts should make your blog distinct and easily identifiable. If you want to promote a business, add relevant, interesting, and fresh posts.

Every day, more and more people are creating blogs, but only a small percentage manage to make money. If you want to earn money through blogging, then you need to stand out and work extra hard. The content should be catchy and the layout has to be extremely good. The layout, themes, and templates must be excellent.

Money Blogging: How To Make Money Blogging

  1. Contextual ads

Sign up for advertising sites like Chitika, Google AdSense, and Kontera to add advertising links to your blog. Every time a reader clicks on the link, view ads, or buy something from a sponsor, Google will give a percentage of that revenue. You need to apply to Google AdSense and then wait for acceptance. You will then have to work with your own blog to embed the code so the ads are well displayed. This should not be difficult. You also need to follow Google's terms of service in order to maintain good standing. Never click on your own links.

  1. Sell advertising space

Sell advertising spots of your blog to companies. Once you have steady traffic and growing popularity, approach different companies. Offer them advertising space on your blog for a specific monthly price. This type of advertising differs from programs like Google Adsense since Google only pays when someone clicks. Selling ad spots guarantees monthly income.

You can also join paid blog networks and make money by writing for fellow bloggers or promoting their products on your blog. There are many blog sites that will pay a flat fee for writing a specific advertisement and link into your blog. If your post is accepted, you're subsequently paid. Sites like Blogtive, Payperpost, or Blogvertise offer these services once your blog has been indexed in search engines.

  1. Affiliate marketing

You can earn good money with Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards affiliates for each customer brought through the affiliate's own marketing efforts. You, the Affiliate, must find a high-quality product, apply with the product creator for a link through which you will promote his product. Every time someone buys the product through your affiliate link, you get an agreed-upon percentage as a commission.

Make money with affiliate marketing like a boss here http://bit.ly/3kwKglQ

Join affiliate programs like Chikita Mini Malls and Amazon that offer the ability to advertise on your blog.

Also to build a customer or prospect list. This will provide an avenue to keep in touch so you may offer additional products and services. A good method of creating this list is to have customers sign on to a newsletter or free offering attractive enough to encourage them to give you their email address.

. CPA offers

Cost Per Action (CPA) is similar to affiliate marketing models. However, you get paid for completing a task for companies and advertisers. The tasks may include having users provide their contact information to receive any future offers or downloading a program to their computers. Just like other promotional methods, all you need to do is select the offer you want to advertise on your blog through hyperlinks or banner ads as provided by the advertiser.

  1. Sell your own products and services

If your bog is able to get a steady amount of traffic, you can always sell your own products and services to your loyal visitors. Just create a trusted relationship with your visitors and then offer them your services such as writing, web design, or even photo editing. Impress your potential customers by showing examples of your work. Try other tactics such as one-time free services to the new visitors.

You can also turn your blog into an e-book. Companies like Apple, Amazon, and Smashwords allow authors to self-publish their work on their electronic platforms. Assemble your blog content into an e-book and then advertise the e-book to your blog traffic and social media network to create sales.

  1. Donations

If your readers find your information really valuable, then they might donate some money. Consider adding a way to receive donations from the visitors. Many bloggers have successfully practiced this method since people generally appreciate valuable information you give to loyal readers free of charge. Some prominent e-commerce sites like Payza and Paypal offer customizable donation button you can place into your blog.

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