I Blame Myself.

in bloggity •  6 years ago 


Oh hi,

It happened again. A 3:00 AM gout attack.

This one caught me off guard. It wasn't on my ankle like it always was. It was near the end of my sole of my foot and the start of my toes. It hurt. It hurt so much. I couldn't put any pressure on it. Even a blanket would hurt. I stood up - dropped straight to the ground. I took my gout medicine and waited until 6am for it to get slightly better, it didn't. I cancelled work.

This has happened too many times in my life. When I need my body to perform everyday, this injury disease destroys all my plans for a week. I was finally ready to go back to gym. Then this happens. The universe hates me or It was just me. I blame myself for eating too much bad food. I'm switching back to more healthier vegetables again. Not full vegetarian but less triggering food.

Do you blame yourself for what happens to you?

Take care, honey bears.



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@kevinli Gout dude? Are you sure it’s gout? I’ve thought I had gout flare ups but was told they weren’t. I was told, early arthritis symptoms. Keep stuffing the muff with 🥩! Lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh it's definitely gout

Gout sounds so medieval. Get well soon!

It sucks so much. I gotta a life to live! thanks :)

That’s some 15th Century ailment. The emperor of Portugal during Henry the 8th’s reign. He has gout issues. He used to put leeches on it or something. Have you tried leeches?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Is it the same as leeching someone's wifi?

Get well soon, mate :)

OH MY GOD, YOU'RE THE BEST! Thanks so much!

Bloody painful isn't it! I got my first attach in my mid twenties and thought I'd broken my foot...and that was the most mild attack I've ever had. I mostly get it in my big toe but have also had attacks in my cuboid which is just insane.

Have you tried introducing any of the old wives remedies?

I'm unable to take may medications as they interact with tablets I have to take for a blood disorder. I've touch wood been able to manage with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, tart cherry juice and Epsom salt bathes.

It's been very ongoing for me. It's just so annoying. I'm ready ti go back to gym already haha.

Good on ya for finding a fix for it

Posted using Partiko Android

Ew :S hope that gets better soon and yeh healthy diet!

Nice haul :) I'm about to embark on the daily, yay black, I sometimes do okay with that XD

Im just not a fan because of no shield for dark types haha

Posted using Partiko Android

I've found shield makes very little difference to me, I usually die either way XD


Posted using Partiko Android

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