in blogs •  7 years ago  (edited)


I've been on Steemit now for a couple of weeks and I think this is the moment to start feeling depressed... Or at least that's what I see a lot of other people do. After a few weeks of unbelievable excitement, they start to realize that it's not very easy to get your followers to actually view their posts. You don't get the attention you want, not the number of followers you hoped and not enough upvotes.

And even when you do get a lot of upvotes, all together they're worth next to nothing... It seems a few whales control the platform and dictate everything! On top of that, even when your payout looks fine 1 day after your posted it, a few days later, the value has dropped by almost halve !? After all those hours you put into making the best blog the world could possibly hope to ever discover, all those late evenings thinking about the most insightful and finely written gems of proza and poetry and the absolute best ever photographs known to mankind... It's only worth a couple of cents? You could feel like this:


Can you relate to this? Does this ring a bell with you? Do you feel the same?

Yes? Well then, in that case, I have a message for you:


It doesn't matter what Steem can bring to you. It doesn't matter how many upvotes you will get. The amount you get payed out or the number of followers you have is irrelevant. Focus on those things and will you get nowhere.

This isn't the society you are used too. Here you get everything for free and you appreciate whatever you like. Which means you will have to focus on what you can offer the community here. For free. And don't expect anything in return. Just give whatever you think is valuable to this community and let them vote on it. And yes, whales have a bigger vote. Think about it, do you really think that everybody on this platform should have an equal say on things? Whales have contributed the most, spent the most time building meaningful relations here and from what I see, a lot of them actually contributed to the platform itself by building, bringing and coding functionality.


So just bring it! Give it to us. Share your wisdom freely. Be truly altruistic. Be kind. Be caring. Be nurturing. Go for that single person that you can touch with your blog. Just that one person that really needed that exact content you crafted. And things will happen. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But things will happen, I'm sure of it.


Steemit is what we make it. We can build it or break it.

Remember how Anakin Skywalker saw the world, when he still was young. Be postive, be mindful of others and make this online world a better place. Answer difficult questions, propose smart solutions and give everybody a reason to smile. Help out your fellow Steemians.


Do not follow the path to the Dark Side. Stay around, do not let those guys trick you. It's a lie, they don't have cookies.

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Thanks for commenting on my post! At first when I looked at your page I thought it would be like the other Meme posting pages... but no! This was incredibly entertaining and I look forward to seeing more posts like it :-) Steem on!

american psycho agrees.gif

I'm a bigger fan of this one

found on GIPHY

Hip 2 be square!

Stellar star wars reference! Good read too!

Hey thanks for that! I really appreciate it. Since you seem to be in-the-know about Star Wars material, I'd ask you this:

Do you know why the dark side keeps claiming they have cookies?

.... Because the resistance holds all the milk!!! :P

Staying around :P Keep entertaining :D

I try. That's what I think I can contribute to the platform at the moment.

@fitzgibbon got you a $1.85 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@fitzgibbon got you a $1.85 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image: pixabay.com)

Want a boost? Click here to read more!

What would Steemit be without selfgoats? Thank you so much!

I see a goat, I bark!

bork! BORK!

Doggo cry.


Good post for a newbie like me. You anticipated and responded to very serious issue !