in blogs •  11 hours ago 


1 NOW the word of the LORD came to Jonah THE SECOND TIME, saying,
2 “ARISE, go to Nineveh, that great city, AND PREACH TO IT THE MESSAGE THAT I TELL YOU.”
Jonah 3:1,2 (NKJV)

Comment: We could see in this passage of the Bible that God is principled, He will not bend His rules or change His standards. God gave Jonah another chance, He forgave him of his rebellion, but the message and the assignment was still the same (Jonah 3:1,2).
Jonah was sent back to the same place he had not wanted to go. God is the God of second chances, however, If He did forgive you, you would still have to do what He had earlier instructed you to do. The gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable (Romans 11:29).
Jonah was called and sent to Nineveh, though he rebelled, wanted to evade the assignment, but when he repented and came back, the calling was still there. God told him again that he should go back to where He had sent him (Jonah 3:1,2).

If there is a call of God on your life and you are trying to dodge It, know that It would always be coming back to you, wherever you go, until you have answered, obeyed and heeded, the call—take a step about the commencement of it.
One of the characteristics of a God-given vision is, It has a compulsive motivation. When you try to discard It, It would always be coming back until you have taken a step on it.
Attempt to dodge or evade the call of God on your life would make or cause you to suffer unnecessarily like Jonah did; thus, wisdom demands that you obey promptly when you are sure of the call placed on your life by God.
You will not suffer in Jesus' name. Peace.

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