A type of blood is easy to get cancer?

in blood •  8 years ago 


Lead statistics : statistics show that people of type A, suffering from gastric cancer and pancreatic cancer risk higher. If you happen to be type A blood, see this conclusion do not have to be nervous, this is only statistical data, there is no convincing scientific evidence yet.

Blood type and character is always some small girls talk about the topic, for example, A type of rational rational, O type of people optimistic and open-minded, it is said that the earliest in 1927 Japan's Professor Guchuan bamboo two proposed, and even affect Japan Army building. But love the science of the evil rationality of the school will be bared to the nose, denounced the nonsense, there is no scientific basis.

Yes, blood type and character say there is no scientific basis.

But I want to tell your blood type may be related to your risk of cancer, do you believe it?

I remember I wrote on the microblogging A blood type of people suffering from the risk of gastric cancer increased, many people surprised abnormal, that is my mouth.

Let's take a look at the relevant scientific research.

First say gastric cancer.

A study in Japan in 1987 compared 1233 patients with gastric cancer with a significant increase in the proportion of people suffering from gastric cancer compared with 2200 patients with benign gastrointestinal disorders. A study in Taiwan in 1990 compared gastric cancer patients with healthy people and found that people with type A blood were at 1.61 times more likely to develop gastric cancer than non-A-type blood. In 1992, a study found that type A blood and family history of people suffering from gastric cancer risk was significantly higher than other blood family history. One of the largest studies came from Sweden. They collected more than 1 million blood donors, followed by 35 years, and eventually found that people with type A blood were at 1.2 times more risk of developing gastric cancer than others. It was also found that O-type blood had a lower risk of gastric cancer, but their risk of gastric ulcer was elevated. A study in Shanghai in 2012 confirms this again. They compared more than 50,000 people found that people with type A blood cancer risk of non-A-type blood 1.34 times, while the risk of O-type blood was reduced to 0.8 times.

Talk about pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer was also found to be associated with type A blood. A study in the UK in 1960 found a significant increase in the proportion of type A blood in patients with pancreatic cancer. They presumably because people of type A are more likely to have diabetes, and diabetes is one of the risk factors for pancreatic cancer. A French study in 1991 collected data on pancreatic cancer in six countries, excluding age and other factors, and found that the risk of type A pancreatic cancer was 1.52 times that of other blood types. A study in Eastern Europe in 1996 reaffirmed that the risk of pancreatic cancer in type A people was 2.7 times higher than that of other blood donors. And O-type blood once again worthy of joy, their risk is only 0.25 times the other blood type. In 2013, China, the United States, Germany, the study confirmed this point. Which is the study of Shanghai is the risk of type A pancreatic cancer increased to 1.6 times. Interestingly, Korean studies have found that all non-O blood type human pancreatic cancer risk is 1.29 times the O-type blood. O-type blood again showed a protective effect, not only reduce the risk of suffering from these two cancer survival rate than other blood type of people increased.

Read here, A-type blood of the friends began to depressed, O-type blood friends hit the crown celebration.

However, slow, O blood friends, although suffering from gastric cancer and pancreatic cancer risk reduction, but the probability of self-immune disease is significantly increased. O blood type was found to have increased risk of developing diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis.

How does that explain this phenomenon?

In recent years, related research has begun to provide some possible scientific explanations.

Blood cells become mature cells before going through blood cell precursor cells at this stage. And this stage of the cells will secrete some tumor antigens or tumor markers. And most of these antigens are class A blood group antigens. Gastric mucosal cell surface also express this type of A blood type antigen, the professional name is called A-like Thompsen-Friedenreich antigen. Therefore, people of type A because of the natural existence of this antigen, so the lack or a relatively weak anti-immune response to this antigen. This part can explain why the risk of cancer of type A blood is increased, especially in gastric cancer. And O-type blood because the blood cell surface lack of A antigenic determinant, so the body has a high concentration of antibodies against this antigen, the immune response is strong. In other words, people of type A are more able to tolerate the presence of such antigens, and O-type blood is higher than others, so O-type blood is not easy to develop cancer, but the risk of autoimmune diseases increased. These observed phenomena suggest that there may be class A blood cell antigens in all tissues of the human body, usually without activating the immune response. But once the self-immune response or immune to tumor cells, this antigen will activate the immune response, and this type of blood because of the lack of anti-A antibody, so compared to O-type blood can tolerate the presence of cancer cells, But not too like O-type blood as to attack their own cells caused by autoimmune diseases.

Another possible explanation is that the process of gastric cancer mucosal cells into cancer cells in the long process, there will be ABO gene mutation, and this mutation will lead to a large number of A antigen, while the type B or O blood of the body itself will Resulting in the attack of class A antibodies, thus inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

There are also a variety of hypotheses, such as p53 gene mutations and so on.

But so far, there is no scientific evidence to convince everyone. Yet to be further research and exploration.

That if you are a type of blood, read this article, do not worry about fear?

No, it's just statistical data and can not be used to guide life. To prevent cancer of the stomach cancer, can do and O blood type of people, is: quit smoking. To ensure adequate fruit and vegetables. Low salt diet. Eat pickled smoked food. Maintain normal weight. Regular physical examination. Regular exercise.

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I'd think you will find people with A and O types more prone to any sickness as the majority of the people in the world are of either of these types.

yeah bro you are right..

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