An eye-opening documentary on how your data is being collected and used against you. And by
data, I mean your innocent likes on social media, the purchases you’ve made with your credit card,
the apps you’ve downloaded.
Chilling details of how a now-liquidated company, Cambridge Analytica, used unsuspecting Facebook users’ data against them. In light of the 2016 US Presidential Campaign, and stringing in a number of other global, political movements, the story is made to feel very real, very now.
The film did a great job in visually explaining the concept of how each person’s data points are
collected, and through graphics further explain how they were misused by the powers that be. Challenging concepts translated fluidly.
Spanning several hearings, a number of former employees and people at the heart of the scandal are exposed and questioned. Even Mark Zuckerberg gets some airtime.
It’s great to be informed, but be prepared to have your mind blown.
Has anyone else seen it? What did you think?