
in bluebaikal •  5 years ago 

! Careful for Massive spoilers form the Episode]

https _blogs-images.forbes.com_danidiplacido_files_2019_05_10__Helen_Sloan___HBO.0-1200x800.jpg

The Army of the Dead has been defeated, the Night King is dead, but things aren't going to be as much easier for our heroes as they hoped. As Tyrion says, 'they' are gone, but now we have 'us' to worry about.

The episode begins with a truly tearful mass funeral as the people send off their dead with an eulogy given by Jon in the way of the North. Afterwards there's a feast which, understandably, starts off very sombre. However, it quickly perks up as booze flows, especially when Daenerys calls up Gendry, legitimizes him as Gendry Baratheon, true born son of Robert Baratheon, and makes him Lord Gendry Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End. Soon, everybody is in high spirits over having survived the battle, and in true Game of Thrones fashion, soon begin to disappear with the Northern girls. Everybody, that is, except Daenerys, who still has her own war to win and is still deeply disturbed over the revelation of Jon's true heritage; Sansa, who is still contemplating the threat of Daenerys and no longer gets happy anyway, and the Hound. When Tormund begins to loudly and drunkenly praise Jon over his many feats, bolstered on by the wildlings and other Northmen, Daenerys can't take it anymore and leaves with Varys, reappearing only after the festivities are over and Jon has returned to their room. Here, she passionately begs him not to reveal his truth to anyone else, and when he insists on telling his family, gives him what is in effect an ultimatum, telling him the only way she will be able to live with them is if he keeps shut.

Meanwhile, in other parts of the castle, Jamie and Brienne join in the genral raunchiness and effectively (and finally!) become a couple, while Gendry seeks out Arya, who is celebrating in her own way by archery practicing, and proposes to her. As anyone but him could have see coming, she turns him down, repeating those words she spoke a long time ago, that she could never be a lady and live in a castle.

They only have the night to rest though. After the war council meets the next day, Daenerys, to Sanasa's consternment, insists that the remnants of the army begin the march up to Kings Landing at once. Sansa protests, but Jon backs up Dany and assures her the Northmen will keep their part of the bargain. Sansa is furious and when others leave to carry out their orders, demands to speak to him with the rest of the Starks… and in the meeting, he reveals the truth to them, swearing them to secrecy. Arya doesn't seem that much bothered and soon leaves for King's Landing with the Hound, on their own mission. Sansa however, doesn't keep to her word and tells Tyrion, who in turn tells Varys on their way to Kings Landing over sea (It was decided Jon would come over Land). At first, they decide nothing. But then, at their arrival, even before they can anchor and begin their planned siege, Rhaegar is shot down by multiple Scorpion bolts, the entire fleet decimated by Euron, whose ships ahve all been outfitted with the modified scorpions, and Missandei captured. Daenerys is furious and contrary to their previous plans, wants to go hard on Cersei, regardless of the citizens of Kings Landing and the fact that Cersei has, in the guise of offering protection, has brought a large population of them into the red keep. Tyrion and Varys counsel her against this, telling her to attempt offering Cersei a chance to surrender first. Dany agrees, but only to let history know that she tried everything to avoid a bloodbath. Afterward, she says, all bets are off.


With Dany on the verge of going full 'mad queen' in the style of her father, Varys begins to voice his doubts to Tyrion, reasserting his allegiance to the realm. If Jon is the better solution, then he would spark his rise to the throne. Tyrion insists Dany will do the right thing, but even he sounds less than convinced.

The parley. Queen's Hand to Queen's Hand. Tyrion to Qyburn. Both demanding the other's surrender. Except Qyburn has an immediate condition: if Daenery doesn't, Missandei would be executed there and then. At this, Tyrion bypasses him and speaks directly to Cersei, but of course, this doesn't yield any fruit. And true to her word, Cersei calls forth the Mountain, and Missandei, Dany's last and closest friend, is beheaded on the spot, after uttering her last word: 'DRACARYS!'


Back in Winterfell, Jamie hears the news about the ambush, and in a state of bitterness, mounts his horse and heads down to join the war, despite his previous decision to stay by Brienne's side, and despite her intense, passionate and unchacteristically tearful pleas that he stays.

The war of two queens is now at a head. Dany is beyond furious. Cersei is cunning as ever and has outfitted the walls of the city with innumerable Scorpions, greatly evening the match. And as for Vary's betrayal, how on Earth could Tyrion NOT have seen that coming? The dwarf really is losing his edge. The Last War is about to begin. The wildlings have returned to the true North, Sam and a pregnant Gilly have headed to Horn's Hill, and it seems the only person really about to come out on top is Bronn, who instead of killing Tyrion, parleys with him in respect of their agreement so long ago.. and Tyrion offers him Highgarden to keep him and Jamie alive. How will this end? Who will live and who will die in the Last War? We'll see in the next episode!

Meanwhile, what is it with the Starks and NOT wanting things?! Jon doesn't want the Iron Throne, Arya doesn't want to be a Lady, and the very title of the episode comes from a conversation Tyrion had with Bran, who doesn't want to be Lord of Winterfell and in fact, (in his words) doesn't really want anymore. Poor folks.

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