German luxury carmaker BMW has announced to adopt the Google Android Automotive operating platform (OS) for future vehicles. From March 2023 onwards, the auto major will be expanding its BMW Operating System 8 and integrating Android Automotive OS (AAOS) into certain model series for the first time as a second technological approach alongside the current Linux-based variant, the BMW Group said in a statement."We are integrating the best aspects of all worlds. That could be our own in-house developments, Open Source or commercial software products, depending on what the specific solution looks like," said Stephan Durach, SVP, Connected Company and Development Technical Operations at BMW Group.
"We make sure our customers always enjoy a unique, customised digital experience in their vehicle," according to the lead developer for the digital driving experience," Durach added.
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The different software platforms enable the infotainment system to be individually configured. The expanded operating system can also be used in different vehicle series. Customers benefit from tailored, individual and expanded digital features and options, the company announced.
The expanded BMW Operating System 8 will continue to be updated "over the air" at regular intervals with the BMW Remote Software Upgrade, it added. Android Automotive can be embedded into car infotainment and instrument clusters. It is different from Android Auto, which is Google's phone-to-dash connection system like Apple's CarPlay.
(With inputs from IANS)
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