Lost again :(

in boardgames •  6 years ago  (edited)


I resigned. Markku saw that I would have had a chance but I missed it.

Better luck next round I hope!

[Previous post: Saarto – Kylmä Kivi 2018 Turnaus/Tournament]

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Markku seems to be an expert but I remember Leo defeated him once! :D Good luck for next session.

It was a six-stone handicap. Normally we use eight stones.

Good luck for next time dear Leo. I think you should not to missed chance. But its part of the game.

@gamer00 don't worry mate, one day you will win this too! keep trying.

Try try again till you succeed! my best wishes are with you sir.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

If anyone don't loose the game there have no interest in the game, every games has this rule, so don't worry, i know you are the great player but sometimes it happens, all time you win and even yesterday your son won so give chance to Markku ha ha, best luck for next time.

Having a good partner to play this game is making you so brilliant! Yeah prepare for the next time! I hope you will not give him a chance to win!


Oh it is a part of life! There will be your time one day! :D

oh sad to know that, but the real win is our friends win, so you won my friend <3

This game reminds me of a game I used to play when I was young, ludo and Ayo game. Do you know them @gamer00?

Hi @gamer00, Don't be upset. You can do in next round. I prefer to see you will win the game against Markku :)

wish you for your best luck

Time will come your win. This isn't time. Wait & wait you will fly in sky with win.

Oh it part of the game. Hope next time you will win. Its pary of the game. My best wishes are with you

So sad news , but good luck for next time my friend Leo . You should not miss the next chance . Keep trying .

Thanks for sharing @gamer00
Upvote you .

Dont worry. Its part of the game. Good luck for the next time.

I do not like to say this, but in my country we lose every day. Sometimes I would like it to be just a board game.
"I wish you luck for the next one". Greetings to you and to Markku!

I think he is hypnotizing you to make the wrong moves!!
Be careful! Don’t look into his eyes next game!!

no problem:) it's the part of game:) In the end we have only winner. Better luck next time:) All the best @gamer00

Hi gamer. You can't win them all. At least you realized you had a chance.

Well not to worry buddy !

Netter luck nest time

I could never learn to play this game :( I am new to follow you.

The key is to never give up, friend! always forward :D

Well you just need to disctretly hook into AlphaGo Zero!!!


AlphaGo Zero
AlphaGo Zero is a version of DeepMind's Go software AlphaGo. AlphaGo's team published an article in the journal Nature on 19 October 2017, introducing AlphaGo Zero, a version created without using data from human games, and stronger than any previous version. By playing games against itself, AlphaGo Zero surpassed the strength of AlphaGo Lee in three days by winning 100 games to 0, reached the level of AlphaGo Master in 21 days, and exceeded all the old versions in 40 days.Training artificial intelligence (AI) without datasets derived from human experts has significant implications for the development of AI with superhuman skills because expert data is "often expensive, unreliable or simply unavailable." Demis Hassabis, the co-founder and CEO of DeepMind, said that AlphaGo Zero was so powerful because it was "no longer constrained by the limits of human knowledge". David Silver, one of the first authors of DeepMind's papers published in Nature on AlphaGo, said that it is possible to have generalised AI algorithms by removing the need to learn from humans.In December 2017, a generalized version of AlphaGo Zero, named AlphaZero, beat the 3-day version of AlphaGo Zero by winning 60 games to 40, and with 8 hours of training it outperformed AlphaGo Lee on an Elo scale, as well as a top chess program (Stockfish) and a top Shōgi program (Elmo).

I think you're a great player for the next you're the winner

What’s the goal in this game?

Well, we can't win all the time hahaha

Luckily it's just a game. Maybe you'll win the next time

Try & try again..One day you can fly.

Well you gained the experience which will make you better over the time time to gear up for the next game :)