in boatpilot •  6 years ago  (edited)

All water vessels require navigation systems that will ensure a safe and smooth voyage. There are a number of navigation equipment that makes this possible in a number of ships. Most of these devices come from modern a development which have made it easier for a ship to identify its location at sea and also makes it easier for control stations in various ports to also identify the position of these vessels while at sea. This has made voyagers far much safer and more prepared in case of anything that could come up while at sea. Rescue teams can be dispatched as the location of the vessel can easily be obtained through use of the available technology that is at our disposal.

However, most of this technology is used on routes that are common to all captains of commercial vessels or military vessels. There are routes that have been used and are known to have no variations whatsoever except in weather patterns. These routes offer no new challenges to navigation system as it is always the same old things experienced. When it comes to personal vessels such as yachts, there is always the possibility of going to explore certain unexplored regions or using alternative routes that have not been used before or are rarely used. It may become challenging for captains in charge of these vessels to safely navigate the vessels to areas which they have never been before and the equipment in use has also never or rarely experienced that area.

We have a lot of technology at our disposal that is enough to upgrade any system we deem less convenient and the navigation systems for yachts and other small vessels are not as convenient as they should be. BoatPilot is pioneering a project which will see the advancement in navigation technology in yachts first with the possibility of its adaptation to other vessels. It is loaded with features that are appropriate for this technological era. BoatPilot wants to use the navigations that are made in existing routes and new routes by vessels to constantly update its navigation system such that any new thing is quickly placed in its platform for other users within the application to use in future travels. This feature is an important one as there are many objects that can be found floating in the sea that can be dangerous for the crew of these yachts and other vessels. It is important that they are mapped out on such software and their locations are constantly updated to give captains an easier time while navigating through those waters.

It is also important to give captains a platform where they can share what they see according to their own expertise. This will help the platform be a space that understands the needs of those who are actually navigating the seas.

BoatPilot has already set the ball rolling. It has already placed one of its products on the map. In the two major smartphone app stores, the BoatPilot app is already present and it boasts of a relatively high population though the company is yet to start fully implementing the plans it has with the application. Its acceptance by the market is a good indication of the success BoatPilot can have in future.

BoatPilot is going to be the first company to use one of the progressive new age technologies to assist in its platform and that is Augmented Reality. It plans on using Augmented Reality to act as a guide to navigators in waters which are not visible enough for captains to navigate safely and surely through. There are nights when the weather may heavily affect the visibility of certain parts of the sea, Augmented Reality(AR) would really come in handy in such situations. Navigators would be able to see a form of the waterways they would be navigating. Objects that may have been recorded by other navigators will appear where viewing of AR takes place. They will appear the last place they were last seen and updated.

BoatPilot will operate using three key components in its arsenal. It will have a hardware component and two software components. The BoatPilot navigation will be tasked with all the software issues to do with navigation in the platform. The user interface and other important software designs will be based on the BoatPilot navigation. The navigation system itself will be on this component. The next component is a hardware component. It is known as BoatGod. It will act as a bridge between the vessel itself and the software. The third component of the BoatPilot platform is known as the Pocket Skipper service application. This contains more than just navigation that BoatPilot is offering. It adds on to the uniqueness of BoatPilot.

There are a number of different features that will be made present through this application. It will be used as an advertising platform for anyone whose market involves those who often travel by sea. They can have a form of agreement with the captains on how to their ads can reach the whole crew and passengers of a particular vessel. On top of this, the Pocket Skipper service can also be used to organize for cruises and other trips involving vessels. The platform will be a ripe place to organize such cruises as there will most likely be an abundance of vessels.

BoatPilot has great potential to become the navigating choice for all captains across all categories of vessels due to its unique approach to navigating. Enabling contributors in its platform will make the seas so much safer to navigate.

The BoatPilot platform will be built on blockchain which will ensure its secure and transparent nature as data that is entered there has to be accurate to avoid any mishaps. It will be built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. It will have a token system which will be ERC-20 compliant. This token system will help in programs that BoatPilot will be running through its platform.

The BoatPilot token is known as the Navi token. It is the main token running the token economics in the platform. BoatPilot will make Navi tokens redeemable where users can redeem their tokens for Ethereum. Navi tokens can currently only be obtained from the ongoing token sale that BoatPilot is running. After the token sale, Navi tokens will be obtained from purchases from those who bought them during the token sale and through carrying out certain activities in the BoatPilot platform.

Navi tokens will be issued whenever users update navigation in areas that have not been previously visited or common areas with new things that are worth noting. This method will be used to encourage members to participate more in updating the platform from time to time to ensure that it is always equipped with the latest data on a particular waterway or navigation route.

BoatPilot is attempting something that has never been seen before in navigation of sea routes. It will need all the resources it can get to come up with a platform that will deliver as advertised. There are so many factors to take into consideration but probably the most important one is how to raise the funds that are going to run this program. BoatPilot will do as most blockchain startups do, it will hold token generation events both pre ICO and a crowdsale to help it raise the required funds. The pre ICO was conducted successfully and as it stands now, thanks to the support it received during the pre ICO, BoatPilot has passed its soft cap goal and more funds are streaming in from those who believe in this project. BoatPilot has an amazing team that is working for the actualization of this platform as they envisioned it.

Once the token sale is complete, all the funds that will be collected will be used to further the agenda of BoatPilot. Part of the funds will be used as a reserve. BoatPilot values its token system and it has a pretty good plan for its token economics. It will have different programs that will burn excess tokens that will be found in the BoatPilot platform. This will start once the token sale is over, any unsold token will be burnt by the company to ensure that demand for the token is always greater than the supply for the tokens. BoatPilot will also purchase Navi tokens from other exchanges in future and burn them to continue reducing their availability in the BoatPilot platform and in the market at large. More on the token economics can be read in detail through this link https://www.boatpilot.io/docs/BoatPilot_Token_Policy_EN.pdf. Further reading on the platform can be done through https://www.boatpilot.io/docs/BoatPilot_White_Paper_EN.pdf.

You can participate in the token sale through their official website and also find answer to any inquiries you may have via the following links.

Website- https://boatpilot.io/
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/boatpilot.io/
Medium- https://medium.com/@boatpilot/
Twitter- https://twitter.com/boatpilot_io
Reddit- https://www.reddit.com/r/BoatPilot/
Telegram- https://t.me/boatpilot
YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsChAFC0nQ6Xfx1gtNdPD5g

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