Your money or your life?

in boeing •  6 years ago  (edited)

Just kidding, I know you don’t have money, not real money, I mean, so your life is pretty worthless, too.
You know who has money? Boeing does. $10.6 profit, last year. You know who else has money? The Washington big-shots who got the $15 million Boeing used for lobbying last year. (That’s the official figure, the real figure could be even higher).
For a distant observer like myself, it is quite astonishing to watch as the US authorities refuse to ground the Boeing 737 Max, leaving the American passengers to risk their lives at a time when most countries around the world have banned the aircraft from their airspace. Following two crashes in less than five months, the last one a couple of days ago in Ethiopia, the European Union, China, India and even small countries like Fiji and Kosovo have decided to ground the Boeing 737 Max.
In the US, the FAA and Boeing itself insist the aircraft is safe. Despite the numerous complaints about the plane’s software, complaints registered prior to the crash in Ethiopia. As a matter of fact, Boeing is working on ‘an update’ to address the issue - apparently there’s something with a sensor ordering the plane to nosedive, which the pilots have difficulties overriding. I don’t think you’d like to be on a plane that’s ‘nosediving’. Both the plane in Ethiopia and the one that crashed in Indonesia had the same issue and went down short time after take-off.

Body-bag being retrieved from the debris in Ethiopia

Chances are most people in the US haven’t heard much of these crashes, really, where the hell is Ethiopia? Chances are most people in the US will hear if there’s another Boeing 737 Max going down, because right now it is only in the US and Canada this type of aircraft operates. Doesn’t matter that the organization representing flight-attendants at American Airlines demands that the problematic Boeing be grounded. Who listens to them? As far as we know, president Trump had a conversation yesterday with the Boeing boss and all’s good for the moment…
As the software problem was known many months ago, perhaps measures could have been taken earlier, preventing for instance the loss of life in Ethiopia, where 157 were killed.
According to industry experts, ordering the grounding of all Boeing 737 Max around the world would cost Boeing somewhere between $1-$5 billion. They could have done it before the latest crash, no doubt. But let’s look at the figures. Let’s put the grounding costs at $3 billion. Such a measure might have saved the latest victims. $3 billion for roughly 150 people, that would be $20 million per person. Are you kidding, $20 million for some nobody flying to Adis Ababa? Screw them!
Now the story is no longer about some people in Ethiopia or Indonesia, as most countries no longer fly these planes. Now it’s about the people flying to Boston or Detroit. Maybe a business trip or their cousin’s wedding, something stupid anyway. If they die in a crash, screw them as well.
Boeing has bigger problems, stocks are falling, airlines around the world are threatening to sue, plus there is the question of the orders for over 4000 Boeing 737 Max, some of which would get canceled if the company admits to the problem.
The way Boeing has been handling this crisis is a disgrace, from hiding the problems to having their Washington bitches do their bidding and I'd very much like to see their profit nose-diving, because ultimately it is our lives they're risking, mine and yours.

Edit: Nice to see president Trump is reading my blog, Boeing 737 Max finally grounded!

Thanks for reading

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See, this is why I live as if money was a meme. I am unlikely to earn $20m during my remaining lifetime, so a purely economic calculation regarding your proposition, $20m in exchange for your life, would regard that transaction as a no-brainer.

I got shit to do, and earning, counting, and protecting money is nothing but a distraction from actually living.

Also, fuck Boeing. Of course they're not gonna ground their planes if it will cost them $20m per life saved. I don't even think I could survive the ocean of saliva they produce at the thought of earning $20m for each human life they sacrificed.


In the end, they were forced to ground the plane, as the situation was becoming ridiculous for the US.

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Yeah, whats a few hundred (or thousand) lives to them. It's quicker than vaccines or corn syrup poisons, or EMF cancers. Plus, the insurance built into everything is paid for by us so it won't really hit their pockets.

The upside (for them) is I am sure they already have some nifty new bill waiting in the wings that will extract more sweat from us all in the name of safety. Just think of the kids, or some other pet slogan they can use as a catch phrase as they give passionate speeches among the wreckage of the cattle's loved ones.

I don't care for flying and was unaware (yet not surprised) that it was as bad as all this. I can't believe anyone traveling on the same continent flies anymore with all the groping and being treated like a criminal or worse required to board. Good job exposing this.

Don't worry, the humiliation is the same here if you want to board a plane. I've had my boy searched for explosives several times...all thanks to 9/11!

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Oh the evil that corporate greed will breed & it seems there is nothing these mega-corps are not willing to do to keep their profits rolling in. You're so right, $20 million or 1 human life makes this an easy choice when one is only looking at the money and profit involved... But the reality is that 1 human life is worth far more than any amount of money anyone is ever capable of imagining - after all, humanity created money & not the other way around; plus those worthless paper federal reserve debt-loaned-at-interest-notes aren't even real money anyway!

Boeing can go screw themselves, but it's not like we should expect anything better from a company which is in the top 5 companies with US military contracts, supplying so much of the machinery of death used by US INC. to wreak havoc, death and destruction around the world in the name of 'democracy'...

You're very right about American silence on this issue as I haven't heard a peep about this here in America. Thanks so much for the excellent enlightening post @ ladyrebecca! Happily Re-steemed.

Here in Europe there's already talks about the future of some contracts with Boeing and the airspace was closed to these planes. It's strange to see how little the US government values the lives of its citizens.

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