Boils while playing
According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, the word effervescence is derived from the Latin effervescens, entis, or that begins to boil. It means a detachment of gaseous bubbles through a liquid, a burning agitation or heating of spirits. And they cite the example of boiling in the blood, which is what we can see in the image below.

So we can be quite clear that effervescence is a word that describes a state of mind in which there is a lot of movement, joy, enthusiasm, although this word is also used to define the effect produced by the release of a gas in a liquid, in this case we can see it in carbonated drinks, the different drinks that exist, such as pepsi cola, coca cola, etc., that make that effervescence effect. This is also present in beer, when we open a bottle of beer and serve it, then we can see how these bubbles rise to the top of the beer. We can talk about how this is comparable to when we are watching a concert of our favorite artist and we see that the atmosphere is very busy, when the artist begins to interpret the favorite song or the most popular song among his fans, these fans begin to get into excitement and they begin to hum and sing the song and move and dance, then this is also a symbol or a sign of what the fizz is.
I must say that this state makes the whole environment feel lighter. It has happened to me on many occasions that this is not only felt in the musical environment, but also in conferences, when a person gives a motivational speech that reaches them. or that it makes itself felt among all its public, this effervescence is notable because the change of mood among the people is felt.
Music and effervescence are closely related because as I have already mentioned, music moves people's moods and when it creates moods in which people feel motivated, people start working and doing things more. fast, which is why many times people who exercise use music according to the style that they have that makes them feel motivated, this makes them run faster, make more effort in the exercise and also not only in music, if not in other areas of life this term can be used of effervescence to demonstrate how creativity comes to the fore, especially when talking about literary exercises, there are, for example, people like me who use classical music by Beethoven or Mozart to get inspired and write, this helps us create that effervescence in our neurons and to be able to give life to all the texts that we want to write, then effervescence is a really interesting word, which can be positive and it can be negative, because if we talk about the negative aspect when a person has certain deficiencies, or certain mental disorders, they can enter into a psychotic effervescence, then music or certain stimuli can also cause this type of effervescence, and this type of psychotic attack ics in people, then we definitely have a very interesting word, since fizz can come from people who are excited at a concert, as well as we can use it as a term to see how gases are released in a drink, or to see also how a culture of fungi or bacteria swarm or grow, or propagate, because this is also a representation of effervescence, as we can see in the representation of the image that heads this publication.
And what did you think of this word effervescence? It's interesting, right?