feedback requested for: proposed BOINC project management changes

in boinc •  7 years ago  (edited)

RfC by David Anderson:

  • who is BOINC founder, Software Architect of SETI@home and Research Scientist at University of California, Berkeley

"In July 2017 a committee was formed to propose improvements to the BOINC project.

2 draft documents are now available for discussion and review:

  1. development workflow and 
  2. governance model.  

Please give feedback by replying to this thread or posting to the boinc_dev email list." (see here)

1. "The purpose of a development workflow doc is to make sure that the BOINC  platform produces high quality code that solves the problems of its users."

2. The BOINC Project Governance doc "describes the structures and processes governing these activities":

  • "BOINC is an open-source middleware system for volunteer computing, originally developed at UC Berkeley. 
  • BOINC is a meritocratic, consensus-based project. 
  • Anyone can join the BOINC community and contribute to the project in various ways. 
  • Those who consistently make positive contributions, as recognized by other contributors and users, can then become part of the decision-making process."

On the Project Management Committee are currently:

David Anderson (Chair)

Bruce Allen

  • Leader of Einstein@Home. Director of the Albert Einstein Institute for Gravitational Physics, Adjunct Professor of Physics, U. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee 

Christian Beer

  • Project admin of RNA World and vice chairman of e.V. 

Matt Blumberg

  • Director of GridRepublic. Creator of Progress Thru Processors. 

Eric Korpela

  • Director of SETI@home. Research Scientist at University of California, Berkeley. 

Keith Upplinger

  • Technical lead of IBM World Community Grid. 

Rom Walton

  • Senior Software Engineer at Qualys 

Willy de Zutter

  • Creator of BoincStats and BAM!. 

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This could be quite time intensive and I don't have time to look into in now but I'll put it on the to do list.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I would love to have us get an interview with David Anderson so i could get this SSL confusion clarified and move past , i think it would benefit Gridcoin greatly if our investors and un-educated people whom do not have the mental or technical skills to run a linux or windows server could learn a little about boinc and openssl and how it functions , how we use port 443 after attaching but plain text confirmed or killed. But really to send out invites to every person on that committee would be a great idea if we had @gridcoin.tld email addresses to contact them more professionally and appearing more organized and zomg formed our own committee and had a real foundation instead of a just a " fake cult " following...
We need better leadership , actually we need a new leader whom has better leadership skills and better team skills along with a committee/foundation. The person whom holds the team captain or team leader position on gridcoin WL projects should have a better skillet than just a mouth piece it should take more than just a deep understanding of Gridcoin.

It would be nice either to make funding for BOINC inside the GRC to:

  1. give it to the BOINC Project Management Committee for development costs
  2. to give for our members who participate in solving problems on BOINC

All of the above will take time from people, so this would be an reimbursement. BOINC is not funded right now, so why not give back to the tool that keeps us going.

I'm up for that. ;)