There are many people, and they are asked if they agree with this, most would answer yes. However, the reality is different. Or if you do not remember the last time you were making a long list in a bank or at the cinema and you saw several people coolly passing in front of you. The response does not wait, the back protest action, but surely some do the same if you have the opportunity.
That is the clearest example of disrespect to other people, in this case to those who patiently make their queue in the bank, or in a supermarket while others come and you are caught without caring that you are first, are people unconscious and not they are interested in your time
Respect is a value that leads you to know the feelings of other people, when I demand respect, first I must respect.
Says a psychologist, WHAT IS RESPECT EXACTLY? Respect means worrying about the rights of others, even if they infringe on ours.
When you think about another person positively, you show respect for yourself. She is treating others the way she would like to be treated.
The book Norma points out a warning to parents not to fall into disrespect with their children. Do not offend your children. Avoid phrases like do not be stupid. You look like a fool. To avoid offending him, think about the child's behavior and how it can change.
Do not lecture children or teens with a long talk because they can quickly lose interest in respect.
Do not forget the private space, do not listen to telephone conversations, read notes, enter without calling.
Do not impose severe punishment, as this would produce resentment and make them think of revenge.
The school also helps teach respect.
The educational psychologist Maria Claudia recommends that you work with words allusive in all places, the campus as we have a coexistence in peace.
Say hello when you get on a bus, say goodbye and respect nature etc.
These messages help to take into account values and to leave behind selfishness and disregard. You can also exercise how you would act in certain cases, in this way the phrase shines out of not doing to others what you do not want them to do to you.