As We Debate 'Boobs vs Brains' on Steemit, Let's See What The Fuss Is All About

in boobs •  8 years ago  (edited)

So as the debate rages on on Steemit, you know, the one about whether or not Steemit will be taken over by FHM-style sexy frivolities, or instead be a platform for intellectual ideas and whatnot, let's see what the fuss is all about.

I'm a woman and a practical feminist, so you really wouldn't expect me to do this, but I was very curious indeed about this debate that seems to be raging on Steemit. The 'boobs versus brains' thing.

I'm a content creator, hired to create content that would appeal to internet users. I was told that I was free to choose my topics and subject matter for my articles based on my own interests, or on what I myself consider relevant to the site visitors. I was elated at this, and pleased that this would give me a chance to perhaps explore topics that may not be getting their fair share of attention on the net. Topics that I thought may be of much interest to certain segments of the internet community whose viewership demographic was highly under-represented, in terms of intelligent and good quality content available on most websites or social media sites. So naturally, I set off in earnest, diligently with coffee by my side, to create several pieces that were of high intellectual standards and the greatest of ideals. Articles and content that would be valuable to readers, and that would perhaps elevate their idea of what can be available to them on the internet.

Well, you can imagine my surprise when my first few articles were flatly rejected.

"What's this?" they said. "Are you writing a college thesis or dissertation? "Let's see some beauty!"

"But this stuff is all about beauty. The beauty of the common person, the joy they feel in the midst of their struggles, the human compassion we can see in everyone if we look long enough. This is all beautiful. The care that parents feel for their children the world over. This is great beauty."

"Yeah well," they said, shifting about uncomfortably. "I guess we were thinking of more natural beauty."

'Oh, you mean like nature. Mountains, beaches, sunsets. That sort of thing. I got it." I said confidently. I knew that this was still pretty cool. I've never been a real outdoors person, but I can definitely get into it.

I had almost gotten ready to get up and leave, ready to jump right into this world of 'natural beauty', and produce some great material on bird sanctuaries, nature preserves, and the wonders of wildlife. And then...

"Well now..." they said. "Before you go, let's put it this way. We're a business. We have to go with what the market wants. We need content that will get a large following on social media, and that will attract the most attention across all aspects of the web. So we want you to go do some great stuff for us, on hot women, sexy celebrities, bikini-clad babes, supermodels on the beach, and lots and lots of boobs."

"Boobs?" I stated.

"Yes," they said. "Boobies. Bazonkers. Tatas. You know. You're a woman..."

Meanwhile, I couldn't help but noticing that a few of the men in the room were quietly snickering through all this.

"This shouldn't be a problem for you," they continued. "Use your own experience."

"Yes, well," I said. "My life experience hasn't really been all about my 'boobs', as you put it. Not that I need to justify anything about myself, but, for example, I play the piano. I can read music. I love Beethoven."

They quickly jumped in, "The piano has nothing to do with it. And let's leave Beethoven out of this, shall we."

What was intended to be a clever response on their part I found to be only shallow and condescending. I then realized that the gap, the chasm, between where they were at, and where I was coming from, was very wide indeed, and probably unbridegable. I knew at least, that I was not going to change anyone's mind or outlook in a few minutes, in a meeting such as this. And I realized that, at the end of the day, it would all come down to whether I wanted to keep the job or give it up for my higher ideals and principles, perhaps imaginary ideals and principles in this world. In this male-driven highly-shortsighted world.

So to make a long story slightly shorter, I left the room, I kept my mouth shut, and I created 'great' content, exactly what they wanted, and I took the money. What little of it there was. But much-needed at the time. And I continued to do this, until I stumbled on And after reading a lot of the stuff here, and looking at the presentations, in particular trying to absorb the various attitudes and viewpoints, I think that I may actually have found a place to express what is in my heart, to still create joyful and positive content, to be as creative as I want, and yet, at the same time, hold fast to my own outlook and viewpoint on the world, and to my own true attitude towards people. And my own over-whelming respect and admiration for all things woman!

I sincerely look forward to sharing with all of you more of my own story, and I look forward to reading more of yours. And altogether, we can all revel in our stories, our views on such things as these, and most of all, our own life experiences, each of them unique for each one of us. Peace and love to all. Respect women! (or one day they'll kick your ass!)

By the way, I had previously posted right here on Steemit, some of my early content work from my above mentioned situation. I actually wanted to see, in part, what some of the comments might be. If they would follow the pattern of comments that I had in response to the original postings of these articles. There weren't many here on Steemit, but I did realize that if we post frivolous content, we do elicit frivolous comments, and attract frivolous readers. But this is not a definitive study, by any means. And practically all patterns can be broken. Let's hope for the best, whatever that may be. And my study continues.

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It's ultimately up to us, as a whole, whether we upvote for boobs or upvote for valuable content...

This was really well written btw, but I guess you knew that, being a kick arse writer!

You're very kind with that last comment. Actually I was very new to writing, per se, until about two years ago or so. I was actually a musician (trying to be a working one), but I did write songs, so maybe that helped. Anyway, yes, you are exactly right. It's not just the initial poster who dictates the terms, so to speak, but all the readers and the way they respond, as well. Perhaps more so. Because, again you are right, we really don't have to encourage the frivolities, or the frivolous among us. But it's all good, I suppose. Everything in moderation. Or, well... I don't know. Arggggg!

Why not both?

Look, not gonna lie... in general boobs and celebrities sell. Here, though, mostly Steemit and bitcoin talk sell. Travel to a lesser extent.

A few of us believe we need more content of all kinds, celebrity articles for instance would bring in more regular people. But so would the other things you were trying to write about.

Here you'll write, and the audience will give you feedback by voting. I've actually noticed that in general posts which just have a few pics of girls, even nudes, don't do super well. I notice the celebrity videos you posted a month back haven't done great either, but then I don't think this platform is geared towards video.

I'm probably just rambling at this point. So my advice: Write what you like, adjust for what you see working. :)

thank you telos, really a beautiful response. Yes, I did notice that posts with random boobs or whatever don't seem to garner much readership. Maybe you're right, that Steemit users are a bit 'above' aforementioned content. (Not to be judgemental, pretentious or highbrow). But it is kinda nice to see. That this pristine pond exists alone and in its own realm of intellectualism. Let's see how long it takes for it to be saturated, overrun, or watered-down by the greater cesspool that is the internet. Too harsh? :-)

This is the first I have seen any post on a brain vs boob thing here.

I guess It's about peoples unique or commonplace perspectives of beauty and your reaction to them.

Since you are a feminist Im sure you will have no problem bringing those men to heel.

BUT, If you don't like people telling you what to say, do, write, and publicize you should probably get out of the marketing business is my comment and your story was hard to read, I kept getting distracted by the gifs, I have a headache now from reading the text all the way through so take an upvote so something good come from this moment and post; good luck with your struggles.

and thank you godo, I appreciate this. Sorry about the headache, you're right, perhaps too many gifs. I should replace them. But on note, you are completely correct, of course. We seem to find the same dynamics at play on the Internet, on Steemit, and such, much as we see in 'real life'. Age-old dynamics, that may take forever to break, or to change. Patriarchal, chauvinism, and misogyny, blah, blah, blah. And as usual, we are faced with limited choices. Go along (to get along). And to hopefully get paid. OR... (exactly!) Like I said, limited choices.

Well described