The books that will turn around the whole globe

in book •  7 years ago 

There is no alternative to a good book to sink in the imagination by sitting in the form of incense. Before returning to the passport, you can visit the country and abroad to fill the book page. And there is no other great way to learn about art, culture, and culture in a city, without a good book written in the background of the city.
The sorcerers of the word always try to engage in the mood of their vocabulary, by showing us the temptations of scenes, scent, beauty, and make us partner with our mission. From Istanbul to Tokyo, India, the Apachean Trail, the authors are trying repeatedly to bring our souls away somewhere, through a good book or travelogue.
So let's look at 15 inspiring books that will make us travel.

  1. Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul: Memories and the City - Orhan Pamuk (Memories and The City-Orhan Pamuk)

This appealing apocalypse sparks the past and the story of industrial and cultural changes leading to the modernization of Istanbul, chasing the past.

  1. Paris, France

A Movable Fest - A Movable Feast- Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway's autobiography, in the twentieth century, lived in Paris, as a writer, in memory of his own struggle. His intimate annotations on the places where he was regularly wandering with F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein and Ezra Pound helped us to have a life-long picture of the French capital in the middle of two world wars.

  1. Tokyo, Japan

The Wind-up Bird Chronicle - The Wind-up Bird Chronicle-Haruki Murakami

Illustrating the example of Tokyo and Japanese culture, the painting of such a unique picture is possible only by Haruki Murakami. This novel is a story of some mysterious, somewhat brittle family, and of course uninterrupted access to Tokyo's suburbs.

  1. New York, New York

The Catcher in the Rye-J. D. Salinger (The Ctacher In The Rye-J.D. Salinger

Salinger's New York may have been covered by anonymity, but if you walk some way, it is understood that how New York's role in the book of the teenage revolutionist is projected.

  1. Naples, Italy

My Brilliant Friend- Elena Ferrante

The first four volumes are more familiar with the novels of Naples. In his book, in return, the story of two daughters who grew up in an incoherent neighborhood and gradually entered the thieves of femininity.

  1. Egypt
    The Alchemist-Paolo Coelho
    Using the most beautiful description, the author of this Brazilian author is a traveler of Andal Boy, who repeatedly dreamed of finding wealth in Egypt and was forced to travel to Egypt.
  2. Patagonia
    In Patagonia by Bruce Chatwin (In Patagonia-Bruce Chatwin)
    In 1974 Châtmein spent the last six months working in a collection of stories in Patagonia, who came from different places. As a result of this, the life story of this passage was born.
  3. Perth, Australia
    Cloudstreet - Team Winton (Cloudstreet-Tim Winton)
    Claude Street also has two family stories in the same house in Perth for twenty years, from 1943 to 1963. In 1991, since the novel was published, it was considered one of Australia's most beautiful novels.
  4. London, England
    NW-Jadie Smith
    Smith has brought a different aspect of London to the forefront of observing the lifestyle of four permanent residents of the city's air force. In the Smith's writings, in view of the various practical ideas, how the contemporary urban youth in public housing blocks are youthful.
  5. Mumbai, India
    Midnight's Children- Salman Rushdie (Midnight's Children- Salman Rushdie)
    This beautiful, metaphorical story is called the story of India's sovereignty and subsequently the story of India's condition and struggle, by highlighting the national identity of a boy.
  6. Vienna, Austria
    The Hair with its Eyes - The Hare With Amber Eyes - Edmund De Waal
    During the peak of World War II and the Afrutis dynasty, a Jewish backing was ruled by Odesa, Vienna and Paris. During his rise and fall, a fascinating story of the then Vienna has come up in the book.
  7. Concord, Massachusetts
    Walden- Henry David Thoreau (Walden-Henry David Thoreau)
    The book, published in 1854, reveals Tharu's genius, creating a beautiful mausoleum in Massachusetts, which is the result of a reversal of its own life. His teachings of this book are echoed as true today.
  8. Tibet
    Seven Years in Tibet - Seven Years In Tibet - Heinrich Harrer
    This book was heard from his own life, an Austrian mountaineer raids in Tibet and a friendship with the 14th Dalai Lama.
  9. South America
    The Motorcycle Diaries- Arnesto 'Che' Guevara (The Motorcycle Diaries- Ernesto "Che" Guevara)
    Before being a Marxist revolutionary, 23-year-old Che Gauvra expressed this memoir with a friend of a medical student with a motorcycle ride on the South American street and an impressive story of teenage youth becoming youthful.
  10. Applechian Trail
    A Walk in the Woods, Rediscovering America on the Applechain Trail - A Walk In The Woods, Rediscovering America On The Appalachian Trail - Bill Bryson
    Writer Brice's Apachean Trail walks with friend Stephen Katz, in a color-humorous mood, describes the environment, nature, people, animals and ecosystems as unique and beautiful.
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