Book "Don't waste the good days".

in book •  5 years ago 


Do not waste the good days is a book about the confusing youthful years, when our minds are filled with questions that need answers. But in addition to the gloomy days, our youth is "beautiful days, days of incredible peace and quietness; days when even sadness, loneliness become beautiful. ”No matter how successful or fulfilling you are in the following days, the twenties are the most beautiful and memorable time. most in life.

Maybe right now, you want to hurry and get out of your youth quickly, to be more mature, to have more things in your hands. But don't be in a hurry, don't waste those beautiful days, because as the youth passes, we'll grow up.!3153!3!286178070203!!!u!296303633664!&exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350205_2010350205::12:1497503216!59440595164!!!pla-296303633664!m!296303633664!276752376!129635670!286178070203&gclid=CjwKCAjwo9rtBRAdEiwA_WXcFuXIkbmIm_JfTxACvAB7HlierTpACSiDWKfBY8FcFraPiCYyMNOR_BoCK90QAvD_BwE

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