What's the Most Interesting Opening to a Book You've Read?

in book •  6 years ago 


Something New for a Change

Every time my friends want to lend me books, I usually decline. Not because I don't love books but because I love them so much that I have too many on my list to read! When I go to my library to pick up my requests, I hardly ever peruse the shelves because of my problem mentioned above.

Well, one day I did. I picked up The Automobile Club of Egypt, written by Alaa Al Aswany. The slightly antiquated font of the title and the title itself on the spine caught my special attention.

The personal struggles of the characters and sociological struggles of Egypt hinted at in the synopsis sealed the deal. I brought it home and began to read...

The Most Captivating Prologue-Like Beginning I've Ever Read

The character we are introduced to at the beginning is the author himself. He leaves home and secludes himself at a condo at an empty resort, thousands of miles from civilization. He begins to overlook his novel until he hears the chilling reverberations of knocking at the front door.

He opens the door to find a man and a woman who announce he knows them very well. The author doesn't recall ever meeting them, but somehow he knows they're right. They then say they are his book characters come to tell him something of extreme importance.

Flustered, he asks them to stop wasting his time and to leave him in peace. They beseech him to listen, for he has poured out sweat and tears to bring them to life (as every author does for his characters).

The Missing Piece

Their mission—to enlighten him of their thoughts and feelings which he unintentionally left out of his work. Doesn't an author know his characters inside and out and flesh them out in completeness? Apparently not, in this case. They leave him a CD with their story and disappear into the desolate night.

He puts down his work and listens.... The novel itself is the true story of his characters.

Your Turn to Share

This introduction was the most original one I've ever read. It left me with a sense of wonder and a big smile on my face.

Which book introduction is the most interesting or compelling one you've ever read? Can't wait to hear about it!

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One of the most compelling for me was a book which my cousin lent me and which I'm just point blank refusing to ever give back to her :)

I would be interested to know what other people thought of this exceptionally quiet little book called The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating. (Although I just checked it out on Goodreads and it seems I'm not alone in my love :)

The prologue sets up the beforehand. Elisabeth Tova Bailey is holidaying in the Swiss Alps when she falls ill with a mystery illness. The first chapter and we are flung into her new, quiet world just as I was flung into mine after contracting what may be the same illness (myalgic encephalomyelitis). Her friend comes to visit the now-bedridden Elizabeth and brings with her the main focus of this story - a common garden snail.

What follows is a beautifully-written, thoughtful tale about the beauties and wonders of the internal life when your external one has been severely limited ... and about the beauties and wonders of something that is considered useless and a pest in the external world.

I have SO put your book on my "to read" list! It sounds just wonderful.

Lol. Love the fact that you found a book you refuse to return to its owner, @sue-stevenson! I will definitely check it out. Seems to be very deep and full of richness. Thanks for sharing! Always on the lookout for great books to read.

I've read a few books, I like them but can't seem to recall the beginnings of these book right now. LOL, that beginning reminds me of the movie Stranger than Fiction though, similar plot but a little twisted.