State terrorism in the 21st century

in book •  5 years ago 

How mass surveillance, sold as means to fight terrorism, is being used to terrorize populations and implement “invisible” totalitarianism

For those concerned about the abuse of 21st century mass surveillance technologies in the hands of ideologically driven states.

This book, based on meticulously documented first-hand experiences since year 2014 will clearly show that your concerns are well founded and that these same technologies are being used nowadays to implement “invisible” totalitarianism, and possibly cause genocide on a mass scale – that is, instead of fighting terrorism, to terrorize and cause death.


In the so called post-Snowden / post-Assange era, awareness of mass surveillance maybe nothing new to you.. but what if you found out that these same technologies, which were officially sold to the public as ways to prevent terrorism, are being used in the exact opposite way, i.e.:

• To cover up crimes, including medical / scientific experimentation without consent

• To deny your right to live, including preventing you from diagnosing your health condition

• To deny your free choice of employment and means of subsistence

• To prevent you from freely associating and cooperating with people who share your interests

In effect, instead of fighting terrorism, to terrorize, to cause inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment – turning upside down the most important international laws, those enshrined in the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights, as well as constitutions of most countries of this planet.

Wouldn't an “almost” perfect, invisible dictatorship / totalitarian regime be one where grievous crimes are taking place, but awareness of such is kept away from you, and, most importantly, even when you found out, you are “systematically” prevented from doing anything to stop such, and to fix the destruction which these caused?

About the Author

I'm a software engineer by occupation since year 1998. For the past 5+ years, since 2014, I first-handedly experienced and meticulously documented grave crimes, which unfortunately last to this day.

The role of mass surveillance technologies in allowing for these crimes to continue is unquestionable and must be urgently brought to light, hence this book project.

All information presented is fact-based. Part of the corroborating documentation is already published and available online at, and more will be published during the course of putting together this book (

What I Need & What You Get

The modest goal of 2500 USD will cover the cost of preparing and publishing this book.

Since these crimes lasted for 5+ years already and cost me tens of thousands of USD in terms of medical, legal, and travel costs, as well as the extra time and energy spent, in addition to not being able to earn my living, this in no way can even begin to start paying back these expenses, only to make the information I gathered more readily available in a form of book.

Depending on level of your contribution, I can offer the following perks:

• for 10 USD you will receive an eBook version

• for 25 USD, you will receive a softcover version

• for 30 USD, you will receive both eBook and softcover versions

• for 100 USD, you will receive three copies of both eBook and softcover versions

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