Hoodie on. Coat on.
I walk out the back door and head for the library to return a couple DVDs I had rented.
After a slightly chilly walk for two blocks, I arrive at the steps and climb them to the door. I walk to the counter to place the movies into the return basket.
Beginning to turn towards the DVD shelves, I catch a glimpse of a familiar book out of the corner of my eye. There, on display as a new arrival, was 'Tribe of Mentors' by Timothy Ferriss.
I started reading consistently around two years ago. 'The 4-Hour Workweek' was among the first that I read, along with 'Losing my Virginity' by Richard Branson and thankfully, 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' by Robert Kiyosaki. They all have helped inspire me tremendously.
I've wanted to read this book since I heard about it. I feel grateful to find a rare gem like this at my small, local library and I'm hoping it's a good read!!