Spirit for the Readers

in book •  7 years ago 



Ini taman bacaan langganan saya, letak tokonya di dekat Univ Sumatera Utara. Nama beken tokonya, 'Spirit'. Kalo saya lagi di Spirit bisa betah sampai seharian, pernah karena nemu buku yang bagus saya mulai 'mangkal' dari jam 10 pagi sampai 8 malam dan ntah kenapa kalo uda mangkal disini jadi lupa waktu.

Koleksi buku di Spirit sudah mencapai ribuan, berbagai genre buku ada di sini, buku mulai dari yang jadul sampai yang terbaru pun ada. Di Spirit kita bisa meminjam buku, membeli atau membaca ditempat. Banyak tawaran menyewa buku yang diberikan, mulai dari diskon 50% di tanggal/hari tertentu, memberikan paket peminjaman, bahkan bagi anggota baru bisa mendapat free voucher 'selamat datang.' Menyenangkan sekali bukan!

This is my regular bookstore which i usually came to borrow books. The place is near North Sumatera University. The place called Spirit. I can be in this place a whole day, there's a time when i found a good book and i spent my time there from 10 am to 8 pm, i just lost in time when i'm here.

The number of books collection here are thousands, books from all genre you can find here, old books till the new arrivals you can also find here. On Spirit you can borrow books, buy it or you can just read there. There are some offers from Spirit for borrowing, there is 50% disc on special date/day, borrowing with packages, and for a new member you can get free voucher. How fun!

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