A Tactical Future - Episode 1: The Only Way Is Seen in This World Part 2
When we are born and come into the world, our first years are the most critical. Also because we are not dependent on ourselves to be educated and grow properly and also because we are exposed to the conduct of certain existing society. That's the way I'm talking about that one way. We do not get there first and there, we get to the way that billions of people are already marching, because in most cases the same marchers learned from the other marchers and so everyone was influenced by the security of survival and not by self-confidence that gives a chance of success. It's just a spinning wheel that always comes to the same point.
It is clear to us all that there are always the exceptions. There are always those who have really built a new path for themselves, and there are the ones who are so surprised to find this one way in their life, but you must always know that there is no such thing as all people in the world will love the same thing and do the same thing.
Think if all the people in the world would have done the same profession, what would have happened? Nothing would have happened! Now you ask: "Why?" Because there were not enough people in the world who would take care of other areas at the time they fell in love with them because of interest, desire and realization of tremendous potential and as a result we live today and have the possibility to realize our lives as well. Thanks to Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Thomas Edison and many more great in history, we use them every moment to this day in the reality of our lives. The same thing that thanks to Mark Zuckerberg who has made a huge social change, we have a crazy tool to communicate with anyone we want to promote processes to realize our dream and even earn money! It must be noted that there are many things that you use day, day, hour, hour, and you do not realize the real potential of the whole thing.
Note that thanks to the fulfillment and success in the lives of people who are considered the greatest of history today, we enjoy the results and improve our quality of life and experience.
So I created a remarkably logical sentence for the situation:
"Once you start really realizing yourself and making the ultimate best of the field you've found to fall in love with in your life, you're going to improve the lives of many people who will follow you." - Sagiv Miller.
There is also a very clever sentence that Albert Einstein himself said:
"Insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results."
Exceptional sentence. Think about him for a moment.
Like I said, it's all right to start walking this one visible way. But once you feel that it is not the way for you, do not expect to fulfill your life as you continue to walk. It's really insanity.
Do not ever dare judge people who walk in this way and say that the way is good for them. We do not have the right to decide, but only to respect. He eventually begins and ends with us. Whether we are honest with ourselves, or that we lie to everyone that we are good though not. There are salaried employees who feel fulfilled, full and good lives. Some people live in wooden houses in the jungles and enjoy living only because of nature. Some vegan people feel full life that they are trying to make more to be. There are people who believe in religion and by virtue of activity according to which they feel most fulfilled in life.
There are, and there are, and there are, and there are so many ... With the quantity of examples I can finish an entire book now, and it just proves how different people are from each other in their love for certain things. But if you dare to start judging, preaching and forcing in complete contrast to a person who lives his life in a way that feels fulfilled and you look distorted, you are not only destroying your own path, but blurs the path to the right path of that person.
I for example at the moment writing these lines works as an employee at a business, although my dream of being independent and in my personal opinion to be independent is to realize the best life. So, during a day's work at the house where I work, I will not go to people who are already pensioners or people who are just starting families or even close to my age and tell them that they are making a mistake and they will never succeed in life. We can not tell if being an employee is good for them and delivering them. Just as we can not force a vegan to eat meat and say he does not understand anything of his life. If we do not respect each other first of all, do not expect to walk the right path for you and do not expect if someone suddenly makes you walk in a way that is not for you. And then many people will not reach their real goal in life, and thus will not improve the lives of other people who will come after them ... And everything will remain in the same wheel that will repeat itself and allow potential for something worse.
An exercise!
Take a friend or girlfriend, where a cup of coffee or wine in a natural and quiet place and everyone will tell what his opinion, his outlook, his love and trust in his life. We wondered about listening to new things this person has to offer, but if there's something you disagree or like, do not judge and do not dare argue. Respect! That way you will get the respect you deserve in the end that you will also share. If there really is a crazy resistance, let everyone walk his way uninterrupted. Promise you that you will find the right people for you too, because you are marching in the right path for you. Try it at least with 10 new people.
Before you decide with yourself to start building your new way against all odds, I want to add more interest to the timing of the road.
That way has timing, and once you understand that this timing has passed, I will not tell you that there is no chance of building that path. I will only say that the matter will be more challenging.
Every one of his life reaches the stage where he finishes the years of compulsory education and army service (provided you are an Israeli who lives in Israel like me) and reaches a huge and open space where there is no longer a framework that wraps him tightly and decides on him for another period of time for something, Selects them. This is a reasonable period of time of at least a few years that I call "Money Time".
The time you are without responsibility, without a family that you established yourself and you are still in the parental custody. Time you can just go wild. Scramble the world as long as you are in this situation. But you also have to understand and know how to build yourself right so that you are ready to embark on the next destination cruise, the goal of establishing a family, and then you not only fulfilled yourself right up to that point, now that your children will come too, know how to grow them right and continue to develop for more A bright future in your life, and so dealing with the right things rather than the erosion of survival.
I dig into it, so maybe try a tactic here of putting the subject in our heads when suddenly it will jump us to think from time to time. Because for me the most amazing thing in this world is to bring our next generation, our child. And what is more amazing to raise them right that they will run later like you and thanks to that will only develop ?!
That's why it's important for me to emphasize the timing issue. Because whoever reads it now and already has a family, and feels that he really is not on the right path, the next chapter will automatically decide that those voters who chose the families against this adventure are ready to do it. And those readers who have not yet reached this stage will be able to understand that they have an opportunity here.
So if you have discovered your position on their way, believe in the right path and are aware of the situation in each person's ways and agree on the logic of things here ...
You are ready to create and walk your new way !!!
Taken from the book: "Tactical Future" - Sagiv Miller: