Book Surgery "Oboh" Sheikh Hamzah Fansury Tomb - Subulussalam, Aceh, Indonesia

in book •  7 years ago  (edited)

This event was initiated to immerse the culture of Subulussalam Town in Yogyakarta after a year before successfully held by IPMAS (Association of Students & Students of Aceh Singkil).


Damhuri as the author of the book said that "The motivation of writing this book because the original tribe people have not recorded Hamzah Fansuri while the reference that we find all from the writings of people outside Subulussalam. In addition, every tourist who comes to the Tomb of Oboh has no memories that can be taken home so that the book is worth using for souvenirs ".

Subsequent sources, Muhajir, S. Hum, MA continued, "This book is very simple, not written thick but semi-scientific that can be consumed publicly from various circles.

Dampeng performance in Jogja today is a big breakthrough by KBMS-YK because it is the first appearance. Furthermore, it is hoped that the literacy movement in Subulussalam and Singkil can happen massively so that the next few years students to bookstores or reading libraries are not only Aceh's history but also the history of Singkil and Subulussalam ".

The Oboh's surgical dr. Fajri Alihar (Researcher of LIPI), Ismail Angkat, SHi (UMY Graduate Student), and Mawardy As'ary Putra T (UMS Graduate Student). The results of their surgery to produce advice in the form,

The contradictions of the tomb of 4 Hamzah Fansury at Ujung Pancu (Great Aceh), Oboh (Subulussalam), Langkawi (Malaysia) and Makkah are also included in this book so that it can be the object of further research.

This book will be better if in it tell the strategy of Hamzah Fansury da'wah in disseminating Islam in Aceh and Nusantara. Like Sunan Kalijaga who broadcasts Islam through wayang and song lir ilirnya, should also be emphasized how Hamzah Fansury because he is known as early Malay writers.

After the book review is complete, then the question session, there are at least 4 questions asked to the author are:

Megah Tinambunan: Why is so much discussing Singkil than Subulussalam? As narusmber why dare to sentence his script in Oboh, what has been investigated further?

Masrizal: Hamzah Fansury is known as the first person to introduce poetry in Malay country from the note of Naquib Alatas, Hamza's work is to introduce people to ways of doing good, how then can we see the people of Subulussalam who implements his teachings? How to prove that Fansury Tomb is right in Oboh? While Malaysia claims in Langkawi is his grave, lest later in Malaysia.

Muhyi: Speaking of culture is the existence of cultural artifacts, how to see Subulussalam from the artifacts of his thinking? Hamzah Fansury brought the Syattariah congregation, why was it stopped and how to see the tarekat syattariah in Subulussalam?

Mayor: Does this book summarize the results of the Hamzah Fansury seminar that took place in Singkil and witnessed by the vice president directly? The year 2013 of the award given by SBY is a justification that the tomb of Hamzah Fansury is in Subulussalam.
Here's the answer from the author of the book that successfully summarized


Speaking Hamzah Fansury there are 2 contradictions namely the location of birth and grave. Of the two most qualified Hamzah Fansury were born and his grave was in Subulussalam.

The most recent research is the thought of a French researcher who said the tomb of Hamzah Fansury was in Makkah but he did not compare it to the tomb in Oboh about the name of Hamzah in the Islamic world much, which in Makkah is which hamzah?

Furthermore, the Aceh Ulama Consultative Assembly also declared his grave in Oboh. Prof. Ali Hajmy also confirmed the tomb of Hamzah Fansury in Oboh.

Further glance Wahdatul Wujud understanding, Of the literature written by Hamzah Fansury no bit he declared that Wahdatul Wujud. The case of his students' children who are increasingly aggravated by the day is another matter.

The results of international seminars in Subulussalam also still keep asking the things that contradictions of Hamzah Fansury so it needs to be made other seminars.


Speaking Subulussalam yes speak Singkil as well as vice versa because dibalut by the same identity.

This book is not a very complex book because it is only for visitors who attended Oboh's grave. If later there is a funding of this book will be we will be thickened with a more scientific writing and also raises the results of seminars that have nothing to do with it.

The Fansur is a suro close to the harbor. From the reference I received I found that the chalk-lime was made in Singkil which was then transported through the port in Barus.
So Hamzah Fansury can also be termed Hamzah who was born in Fansur or near the suro at the port (Singkil).

The tomb thing, the real thing is about Prof. Ali Hasjmy who stepped 3 steps and stabbed his wand that this is the grave of Hamzah Fansury. Offensive of tareqat, Hamzah developed Qadariah tarekat while Syattariah was brought by Abdurrauf As Singkily.

The implementation of Hamzah Fansury's most obvious teaching in Subulussalam is on the management of custom forest.

The absence of a memory space of some kind of museum in memory of Hamzah Fansury has become a hindrance to the search for its scattered text. Hopefully in front of the Subulussalam district initiative to set up Hamzah Fansury museum and collect all the texts so that the momentum of Subulussalam and Singkil culture is more real.

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