#PinkReads - Book Review #026 : The Cursed Girl by Maria Vermisoglou

in bookreview •  6 years ago 



Sixteen-year-old Eva is a witch who lived in Spain, in the year 1230. She met a boy named Jonathan who would become her whole world. Everything was normal until she was faced with challenges that will change her life forever.

As a healer, her job is to help people, but there are forces that will try to prevent that. There is a war coming and Eva and her friends must do everything they can to survive. Can they fight their way against the dark forces that are surrounding them?

Her wits and inner strength helped everyone who encircled her to survive but will she be able to survive herself?

Supernatural creatures, royal backstabbing and many more await you in this thrilling novel that will take your breath away.

General Information

Genre : Young Adult / Fantasy
ISBN13 : 9781370031665
Publisher : Self Published
Author : Maria Vermisoglou

Drawing of Eva and Midnight by Sophie Cohen Provided by the author



This is a story about going on an adventure only to find home; a story about witches and princes, about saving and losing, about love and loss.

Eva finds herself inundated by suitors at her home in Spain because sixteen is the age for marriage; but Eva is a witch and will outlive humans by many generations and so she chases them all away - she won't even marry a witch; simply because she wants to live her life.

Jonathan, the current prince of Spain, suddenly finds himself in the middle of court intrigue at its worst - mother and father murdered, now he must run for his life if he has any chance of saving his beloved country.

Flung together by circumstance, kept together by friendship; can these two mismatched individuals survive war and each other?

“Then he did something that I never expected; he kissed me. It was like the running water: soft and like a thunder.”


In The Cursed Girl Maria creates a beautiful world based on medieval Earth complete with the hierarchy of royals vs peasants; bringing to life all the difficulties of living in those times - transportation, fresh food, housing, taxes and back breaking work, work, work to still not have enough to feed ones family.

The differences between the classes are in your face clear, with the nobility keeping the commoners at arms length, treating them like animals; even disdaining other nobles who do not see black and white like "it should be".

Kindness is something that does not exist amongst the royalty and Eva has made it her mission in life to teach people manners; regardless of status.

The main characters are well rounded and relatable, making it hard to dislike them in any way. Maria creates a number of hateful characters, too, but you would highly dislike them if they were real people anyway.

Eva is strong willed and stubborn, always willing to reach out a helping hand to those need it, never shying away from any task, however unpleasant. She is accompanied by her familiar, a cat named Midnight, who has a unique personality of its own yet maintains all the usual mannerisms of cats in general. Eva does come across as highly annoying in certain places but that just reinforces her will to never bend to society, to be her own person.

The first three quarters of the book is action packed and fast paced with enough plot twists and surprises to keep the reader intrigued; the last third, however, is quite slow and reading kind of becomes a chore... But the ending is quite unexpected and surprising that one eagerly awaits book 2.

Snippet from The Cursed Girl #2

Overall, though, The Cursed Girl is an enjoyable read if you like a slow burn romance with a smattering of fantasy wrapped in war and court intrigue.


Get your copy here: https://books2read.com/u/bOAkNE

Have you read The Cursed Girl yet? What did you think of Eva and her adventures? Do let us know in the comments below. As always, sharing is caring, so don't forget to like and share. Until next time...

Keep smiling

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Hello @mrpinkink,

Thanks for sharing your insightful review on Maria Vermisoglou's "The Cursed Girl." Looking forward to reading more book reviews in the future!

Best Regards,
Blue Baikal
