in books •  7 years ago 

Action, Adventure and fantasy all packed in one thing


I never use to like reading like most teenagers today I thought there were better things to do with my time than sit and read a book, this is what I thought until my older brother introduced me to David Eddings when I was 12, they both told me just to read the first chapter and so I did and you know what follows next, you then have to read the next and then the next until you finish the book and then you find out that there are more books, so you can't put it down until you finish the series, well this is how I felt.


When I read a book, I gain a sort of connection with the characters and feel as though I'm there with them going on their adventures with them, watching them fight their fights and finally come home victorious in the end, this feeling came greatest with the second series of books I read, 'Raymond. E. Feist' this book carries over an extended period of time, where I am it's been over 300 years since the first book and even though some characters die you have new characters come in that are able to make feel like those characters were worth something, but in all there are 28 books and no I still have not finished them, true be told I stop reading these books for a while after I got to the ninth book and started another series which I have to say had the best storyline I have ever seen in a series, it's name, 'Robert Jordan' this series had fourteen books yet to me it felt like there were a lot less, the reason I say this book had the best storyline is because it's starts with the main characters as children and through the fourteen books gives their entire lives up to where they finally end it with each having their own kind of happy ending.


Most people say books are there help build up your vocabulary and help become better at the language skills, sure it helps with that, but for me I find books to be friend and an escape for this boring and stressful life we live in, somewhere we can go to enjoy Adventures with heroes, watch intense fights of life or death with impossible odds and a place for to go and enjoy as far as your imagination takes you.


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