The 10X rule is not just a set of rules aimed at increased productivity but a mindset that enables you reach the zenith and helps you stay there
Massive thoughts must be followed up by massive actions
Success is the accumulation of events turning out well and desired outcomes being achieved
A person who limits his/her potential success will limit what he/she will to create and keep it
Success can be defined as accomplishing the next level of what it is you desire, in ways that will forever change the way you perceive yourself, your life, the use of your energy and most significantly how others perceive you
It’s not enough to occupy a territory, you have to be able to keep it.
Any word target attacked with the right actions in the right amount with persistence is achievable and attainable
It's is not enough to just play the game, it is vital that you learn to win at it
Lucky people don’t make successful people
People who completely commit themselves to success seem to get lucky in life, the harder I work the more luckier I become
Success is my duty, obligation and responsibility
The four degrees of actions for success are;
Do nothing
Take normal levels of action
Take massive action
Understanding how to calculate and take the right amount of action in success is more important than your concept, idea, invention or business plan.
If you’re creating new problems then you’re not taking enough action
Rid yourself of anything average
Don’t try to compete with anyone
If competition is healthy then domination is immunity
Forward thinkers don’t copy they don’t compete they create
Never cut anything, never dilute greatness, never pull back on your horse power, never put a limit on your ambition, drive and passion.
F false
E events
A appearing
R real
Happiness, security, confidence and fulfillment come from utilizing your gifts and energy
The best revenge is massive success
Nothing happens to you, it happens because of you
Results are the primary focus of the successful not effort
It's impossible for you to do anything exceptional if you live your life with thinking and actions that are mediocre
And lastly Never cut anything, never dilute greatness, never pull back on your horse power, never put a limit on your ambition, drive and passion because it's not necessarily the smartest and brightest that win in the game if life but rather those who can commit the most passionately to their cause