Many of us have heard the term 'Eugenics' used in conversation most likely on the interwebz.
One is likely to have heard it used in a negative reference.
Our buddy, Alex, likes to rail against the term.
It is his foil for his rapier wit.
Here is your chance to decide for you.
Paul Popenoe
Some of us like to fancy ourselves as know it alls, but if you haven't read this book, it's obvious that that you are working with a fallacy.
You can rail against it, you can troll about it, but if you haven't read this book, you cannot 'know it all'.
I haven't read it yet, myself, I just found it.
I would like to have the time to get it read, I will have to make that happen.
How serious are you about 'knowing it all'?
Have a perfectly peaceful day.
Keep working, stop paying.
How to win in court for far less!!