Book Recommendation: The Sovereign Individual (1997)

in books •  7 years ago  (edited)

Dear Steemit friends,

So recently I've revisited this book again recently after my first read in academia back in 2007. All I can say is that it's definitely worth the read again. 10 years makes a lot of difference. What I find really amazing is that the authors James Dale Davidson and William Rees-Mogg made plenty of bold, but educated predictions about the future, many of which seems to becoming part of reality.

Their hypothesis revolved around the notion that micro-processing is transforming our societies into information-based ones, significantly reducing the returns of violence, leading to the slow death of politics and nation states. The sovereign individuals of the future will organise their own communities mainly out of cognitive capabilities, and there will be many intersecting societies in cyberspace.

I think the book is quite an important read, especially to understand about personal empowerment and independence. It certainly resonates with me since I've always been cultured by the Internet since I was a kid, unable to relate to the idea of nations and the things I see on television. The tyranny of place is something I really wish more would come to comprehend.

There's also a 30-item list of strategies for achieving financial independence in the Information Age. There are just too many great chapters in the book, especially knowing that it was published 20 years ago! I don't agree with everything in there, but it remains to be a fascinating read. Anyway, to conclude this little book recommendation post, here are some excerpts:-

On Cybercash
Now the advent of the Information Age implies another revolution in the character of money. As cybercommerce begins, it will lead inevitably to cybermoney. This new form of money will reset the odds, reducing the capacity of the world's nation states to determine who becomes a Sovereign Individual. A crucial part of this change will come about because of the effect of information technology in liberating the holders of wealth from expropriation through inflation. Soon, you will pay for almost any transaction over the Net or World Wide Web at the same time you place it, using cybercash. This new digital form of money is destined to play a pivotal role in cybercommerce. It will consist of encrypted sequences of multihundred-digit prime numbers. Unique, anonymous, and verifiable, this money will accommodate the largest transactions. It will also be divisible into the tiniest fraction of value. It will be tradable at a keystroke in a multitrillion-dollar wholesale market without borders.

On Investor Control over Capital
It should not be forgotten that governments waste resources on a large scale. Wasting resources makes you poor. A dramatic improvement in the efficiency of resource use will arise when revenues historically engrossed by governments come to be controlled instead by persons of genuine talent. Tens of billions, then ultimately hundreds of billions of dollars will be controlled by hundreds of thousands, then millions of Sovereign Individuals. These new stewards of the world's wealth are likely to prove far abler than politicians in utilizing resources and deploying investment. For the first time in history, megapolitical conditions will allow the ablest investors and entrepreneurs rather than specialists in violence ultimate control over capital. It is not unreasonable to expect that the rates of return on this dispersed, market-driven investment could be double or triple the meager returns from the politically driven budget allocations of the nation-state era.

On Customized Government
Lest this sound millenarian, consider that microtechnology miniaturizes and disaggregates. It facilitates customization rather than mass production. You can now go into a store and purchase blue jeans that will be cut from a pattern customized to your measurements and sewn up half a world away. When new institutions at last evolve to fit the new megapolitical realities of the Information Age, you will be able to obtain governance at least as well customized to meet your personal needs and tastes as blue jeans.

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I listed your recommendation in my list of books I need to check out. Seems to be an interesting one. I'm reading the book "The Rise of the Robots" by Martin Ford right now. He is taking the sceptical side of the changes we are going through, seeing robots as a threats, but I see it as something positive, since in the long run we have the opportunity to not have to wrok anymore, since robots will take care of everything, from inventing, creation, manufacturing, serving etc etc.

I personally believe in turning waste into something new again, and I see a lot of new projects and startups based on some new discoveries, like one to use dead jellyfish to make genuine leather for us humans to get leather products. Since eg the Ostsee / Baltic Sea is full of dead jellyfish, no animal has to die for the wishes we have as humans.

I also started a project with some friends to support the circular economy. We use old textile and plastics to create new products. In this particlaur world, I see lots of people having ideas and starte executing on them. This will help to spread the power between individuals, since I believe in this process we will end up with much smaller companies, slowly moving the big power at the few to more smaller companies and individuals. It'll probably take another couple of decades to see major shifts, but we will see them happening, I pretty sure.

thanks for the update!

The history of the world is the story of greedy people seeking power and dominance. It is also the story of technological advancements, however the irony is the plot of the story stays the same. Like the invention of the wheel cyber currency is just another advancement. It would be nice to think that the concept of blockchain and cryptocurrency could change the plot and eliminate greed but hmmm, I'm not too sure about that. Even in cryptocurrency there are powe mer players who can manipulate the rest, but hey maybe I'm just a cranky old man who is a little too skeptical.

Yeap I don't think that will change if money is still.. money. But I guess the plus point now is that cryptos are open, permissionless technologies so anyone can innovate on that layer :)


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I heard about this book many years ago but I didn't get the chance to read it. I remember it being highly recommended as a book that details how information technology will change the world dramatically over the next several years. I definitely have to give this a read when I have time.

great book good luck

It is a well thought out book looking deep into our society's structure analyzing it, and its possible outcomes He is picturing of a bord-less and abundant world to those that can pursuit for it. It is inspiring never the less. And I enjoy reading as much of it and I will get back into it. I saved it at my tablet for future use. Surely a nice and inspiring read. Nice review kevin. Steem on.

Man, I've still got Working Out Loud on my reading list from a post you made months ago. Now this one looks incredible. I can't believe he wrote the words:

"It will consist of encrypted sequences of multihundred-digit prime numbers. Unique, anonymous, and verifiable, this money will accommodate the largest transactions. It will also be divisible into the tiniest fraction of value."

in 1997! Whoa! It's not often that I want to read a 20 year old book about technology, but this one is on the list.

edit: in fact, I just ordered them both!

Screen Shot 2017-09-04 at 10.54.10 AM.png

Looks like it was all seen before it came into view for many. It is great to go back and read a book or watch a movie again and see how you see things the second time. I remember back in the year 2000 when we were told the computers would get the
Y2K bug, also called Year 2000 bug or Millennium Bug .. so sometimes it is conjecture .. You are right in this case these guys saw it coming. I hope it does free us all. I am ready for Steem freedom.



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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

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Thanks for the share. Always looking for new books to read. Crypto currency is leading the way to helping people be free and independent of government! :)

interesting, this book remind me about Nick Sczabo article about smart contract. Nice :)

Thanks for the few excerpts. The ever-increasing 'budget-debt ceilings and national natural-disasters makes clear the bubble will eventually burst. Those invested in cyptocurrency will be glad for being on the cutting edge of a new world as it will be known.
I will take a look on Amazon. I hope you're linked to affiliate marketing.


Oh i'm not doing any affiliate marketing..

Its quite a book :)

:+)...Affiliate marketing is a link Amazon offers, and pays a few pennies per buy when a consumer recommends a product; and, others buy using that link. Perhaps, you're already familiar with it; but, it's very popular on YouTube. Of course, as with anything, some people have gotten it down to a science, and actually make a living from it. However, for most it's just a few extra pennies in the coiffers.
Btw, many thanks for the up-vote...very much appreciated!

In addition to adding insight, reading a book is also able to make the brain is always active every time. It does not matter what type of reading you are, like novels, newspapers, magazines or encyclopedias. Benefits of reading other books is able to provide entertainment and refreshing means for some people.

great reply

true advice

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow ! Definitely it's an interesting book
Knowing it was published 20 years ago and they still predicted it well

I'm always looking for these kind of stuff
Thank you @kevinwong for sharing with us

wow. . it makes me wants to read that book.. that's amazing even blockchain. . they predicted

That sounds like a remarkably prescient book. I wonder if the author scooped up a bunch of Bitcoin back in the sub $1 days?

No idea. If they really invest, putting money where their mouth is, I'd tend to think they're doing really well by now..

Wow, they predicted the era of the blockchain!

Yeah, isn't that just insane!! I love it. Just like 1984 predicted the demise of democracy as we know it. :)

good job

they sure did! i wonder if they're actually satoshi lol

amigo #resteemia at your service

'Total price: $31.81' hmm i'll order it :) valuable post @kevinwong

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

Well there are other options, but I'm not going to link it here lol :)

I'm wondering how was your feeling when you read it in 2007 and now in 2017 how you feel when you see a lot of what have been written have become reality?

I was reading it in the toilet lol. Could relate to what they were saying but not as full blown as it is now :)

Maybe James Dale Davidsson or William Rees-Mogg is Satoshi Nakamoto ;) If nothing else I am sure they have a lot in common ! Very interesting stuff and definitely putting this book on my reading list 📖!


nice work

@kevinwong - Interesting book, but Sir, it was written in 1999. Don't you think it's little older than what we are experiencing now?
Love your work Sir. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

I think their work extrapolating from the implications of information technology is becoming more relevant today..!

"educated predictions about the future, many of which seems to becoming part of reality."
Feel interesting... I think what they said in 2000 is now happening! Wow hope to try .pdf version of that book! Thanks for sharing such useful information with us!


I'm onto another book this week. it's called Sapiens - a brief history of humankind. Turning out to be quite a good read too!

that's good

As populations grow the more independent democratic and economically free individuals may become because of cryptocurrency and if handled to benefit each individual and controlled by each individual it will complement the pursuit of happiness. This book is an ideal and incredible prediction of the writer's vision for the future of currency that we are now living ;)

One of the best books on technology and society I've read. Thanks for reminding me to re-read it. It's crazy how this book came out 20 years ago predicting many things today.

It seems like this persons dream has become a reality in the form of the blockchain and cryptocurreny. I think it is the future and it is the a great way to make a more equal, distributed system rather than carrying on with the current fiat system.
I think this is a great Book Recommendation and I may pick it up and read it @kevinwong

I think I should read it. Do you think that the book influenced by anarchism or the idea of social libertarian?

No idea, the book doesn't really stick to any ideology, other than treating individuals as sovereign beings (which, makes sense, there's no argument about it - so maybe anarchism? it also depends how the labels are defined). The book is more like them stating what stuff that could happen when the dynamics of power / control changes with the information revolution.

Amazing, they have been predicting about cryptocurrency and blockchain since 20 yeara ago. This sovereign individual is very interesting, because the economy is now influenced by politics heavily.. thanks for recommendation, it will be a good nutrition for our brain :)

A book that deals with the future. The book is a window of knowledge, so who reads it will increase its knowledge. But science in this book is different from other books, because this book discusses the future forecast using digital money. Post is very useful, I want to read this book, is the title of this book ©kevinwong? I will try to search the internet.

Yes it's in the title :)

Thanks @kevinwong :)

Selamaymt hari raya idul adha, mohon maaf lahir dan batin ya @kevinwong :)


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@wekkel? I dont understand

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ok thank you for sharing information @. very useful to me* item

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

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Any fiction books you like dude?

Foundation :)

Okay. I've been reading Pat Conroy's books.

Prince of Tides
Beach Music

Amazing writer man. Check it out.

wow your recommendations are solid Kevin, upped. Always nice to see your post my friend...hope that you will post constantly and I am looking forward to chating with you via steemit char with regards to the design thinking request.

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Your post has touched my mind.You wrote so beautifully, that the reason already follow you.. Thank you for your great sharing.

it seems interesting, didn't get chance to read it. thanks for sharing !!

Excellent book, you tried on your article and it's right that they told us about it. To everyone who wants to develop on the Internet and especially in the field of commercial services and goods, reading this book will be very useful and informative. Thank you @kevinwong

Nice book

I love people who read books. Especially if it's such a serious literature. You know how to create intrigue. I have to read this book now)

go read is the best ever

best blog

Very interesting looking forward to this great read

Really good for us.

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Thanks for sharing dear @kevinwong!

nice post @kevinwong

This is amazing . foretelling is a gift ..nice one

it turns out that people used to predict and write about the era of information technology, the more sophisticated world, and the era of information technology new tools and new tools for human interaction in their work, all recorded and clear and can no longer be played, especially when applied in the world of financial in government, can no longer play mafia budget. and who is master of information technology he dominates the world.. great post @kevinwong

Where can buy if some need that book @kevinwong ? Thank you...

up on my wishlist thanks for recommending will check it out :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

thank for share @kevinwong
dont forget to follow me to :)
i have many interested post. please come
i resteem

ifyou can @mohammedfila

Very good idea,nice information sharing

That is brilliant book...i ever read it from my friend books 7 years ago...

Hello! - I am trying to make new friends and I would love to get some feedback from you. Feel free to upvote my content and I will do the same.

Actually sounds like a pretty good read, both to enjoy and to see what they said about the future.

I strongly agree with your opinion, with we often read books, then our insights will be formed

great information @kevinwong, can i borrow that book someday ??

Pm me on :)

Thanks @kevinwong for the book recommendation. I need to put this to my book collection to buy and read.

It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters.

Books are sources of information that can open our horizons about things like science, economics, social, culture, politics, and other aspects of life. In addition, by reading, can help change the future, and can add to the intelligence of our minds and minds.

reading is good for the brain

Your post is cool I really like your own work, have fun in this steemit, really beautiful this world friend, I hope you succeed in this steemit I will always support you, Give me time to see my post, see lah here @andriannaa

I love it thank you! :)

Good advise. Best I've seen all weekend and I've read a lot. With all the overly optimistic and pessimistic flotsam it's nice to know we're not all idiots glued to the boobtube.

SPOILER ALERT-Last chapter, last paragraph:

[i]"The shift from an Industrial to an Information society is bound to be breathtaking. The transition from one stage of economic life to another has always involved a revolution. We think that the Information Revolution will be the most far reaching of all. It will reorganize life more than the Agricultural Revolution or the Industrial Revolution. And its impact will be felt in a fraction of the time. [/i][b]Fasten your seatbelts.[/b] "

Keeping my fingers crossed! Sounds like a better world.

Do you perhaps know if this specific book is obtainable in E-Book format?

I'm upvoting this Sir

I'm definitely going to read it..thanx for sharing friend.

Great read thanks for the post!! and BTW, RIP Walter Becker.

Great @kevinwong. I just read your resume about that book, and it seems interesting to read. Except purchasing on amazon, is it possible to find it in the book store? Considering the book is now reaching 20 years old. thanks!

Good selection. it is great. 100% like and resteem

@kevinwong 😊😊

I would like to ask for your help, since I just joined in steemit,,, please help my self introductions @kevinwong

@kevinwong ini postingan saya hari ini :

mohon masukan dari apa yang saya upload

salam dari Aceh


Great books for reading....
The experience is the best teacher...
Books is world windows....

Nice post and thanks for stopping by at my blog im glad u like my magic 😁👍


I will try and get my hands on the book

I also love reading books mainly Biographies.
Your recommendations also seem to be favourable to me .
Thanks, will be choosing one of your recommendations next time

Respect for the reccomendation of the book. There are really interesting strategies that deserve attention. And predictions of an economy without states are really an unconstrained assumption. Resteem post)

Very interesting post. It seem some of the predictions will happen soon

Such an honest recomandation! Now I am intrugued and would check it out. Thanks! :)

Thanks for the share,, nice good my friend

Thank you, brother!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment