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Great selection and yes Boy A is a riviting read but does make you feel uncomfortable about it's conclusions. Obviously it resonates with me because it is set here in the UK but the premise could be anywhere.

I too often re-read books especially from my childhood. It fascinates me how I get such different feelings and thoughts and more experience just but doing so. Even when I know the story well I still can't help soaking up the exact words. Everyone should repo read even children's books just to see how you yourself have grown.

Thank you for sharing your experience with me, I like the idea of re-reading childhood books, I'll definitely put a few on my list to re-read this year. I think I might even start next time I visit the library, in about a week or two, when I finish these books I got.

Again, thanks for the idea and inspiration! :)

@tipu curate

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Thank you so much @c0ff33a! :)

I love to read, too and since I have been on Steem the number of books I am reading has fallen drastically! I guess I am just reading different content, but I am missing reading a good book and need to get back to it!

Oh, I totally know that feeling.
There's just something about reading a physical book, taking some off screen time (something I personally really should do more) and getting lost in the pages.

I hope you'll find a good book and some free time to enjoy it! :)

You inspired me! I finished one book yesterday and started another.

Oh wow, this is so incredible to hear and the best thing about posting on Steemit - the ideas and inspiration we get from each other. Thank you for letting me know, it really made my day! :)

Looking back on my Goodreads numbers I have some years where I read 60+ books. Last year I read 5. I have a massive amount of catching up to do! 😁

That's a good collection you decided to start with ;)
When you finish reading anything english, tell me if you recommend it ok?
as for the number of books I read in 2019... I think I read more than 20 :D ;p
I'll check and tell you ;)
I started my 2020 reading with a very interesting book (spoiler alert: no one knows if it's a bio or fiction) called Azazeel (I think it was translated to english too)


That is a good group of books to read.
You have inspired me again. 💖
I need to explain, I hope my comment is not to long.
I used to be a very avid reader, I never counted, but I would read a book per week at times. But after my mother passed away suddenly 6 years ago, I could not focus long enough to read an entire book. Grief affects each person differently, and my attention span was shortened by my grieving. I started a few books, but never completed them. Then I realized what the problem was, and since that time I have not even picked up a book. I can read magazine articles, and online content, but I haven't had the ability to read an entire book.
But you have inspired me to try again.
Thank you Nina, I'll let you know how it goes.
Big Hugs and much love!! 💖

Papa Bear, this comment really made me think and I remembered that recently my mom told me something - that when she hears music, it reminds her of her brother who passed away this summer. He wasn't related to music in any way, it's not about a particular song, I guess it's what you said that Grief affects each person differently.

I hope you will be able to enjoy reading books again but even if you don't, it's fine. We all have to figure out what works best for ourselves.

I'm sending you big hugs and thank you so much for sharing this comment. <3

I'm sorry for your loss of your Uncle. 😥
I'm also now grieving my Dad who passed away last November, the day before our Thanksgiving Holiday. Life feels strange without mom and dad.
Much love 💖 Bear Hugs

Hi nikolina,
I had the same problem in 2017, I realized I did not read enough and I was so upset that I set my target at 20 books for 2018. In 2018 not only I managed it, I read a lot more! So for 2019 my target was 30 books, and I did it. This year I set my goal at 30 books again, 'cause I'm not confident enough to set a new one :) but who knows, I'm not going to stop if I reach the number I set before 31st of december...

Hi! Sorry for the late reply.

Sometimes I feel like I don't want to definy my goal by numbers but on the other side, it makes a specific goal a lot more measurable. I guess we should be realistic with our time but yet make it challenging - like you did with your goal, 30 books is amazing! Any additional number of read books only makes it better. :)

Thank you for your comment and feedback!