Welcome To Book Corner

in books •  7 years ago 


You may feel this is a ton of books, but is a major purging win for me. This is probably 75% of my original collection!

I did some deep cleaning and rearranging yesterday, and put my three bookshelves together in the same place. At one point I had them all together, plus a stack of crates holding books, and it took up the entire wall, floor to ceiling. I'm not kidding. And they aren't one deep, especially that cabinet-turned-bookshelf: that one is three stacks deep in some places (two where there are bigger books). This pile on the floor is what came off the short one as I moved it into the living room.

Yuan halped. He is a very halpful kitteh.

It's exhausting work, but I love having a clean, organized, rearranged space.

There are a few odd stacks of books around and my sheet music, but almost all of them fit in the shelves - and I didn't even stack the top of the short shelf!

So that was my Epic Task yesterday. LOL. When Bibliophiles Move Furniture. It's a workout for sure. I feel like I walked a 10k or more! I am concerned by the lean of the cabinet though ...I need new shelves. Big, sturdy shelves.

I hope y'all had a good Sunday!

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Hey! I want to tell you that I finally managed to bring my two babies dogs with me and I want to thank you for your support when I needed it. I send you a hug ❤ and I leave the happy ending in case you want to look :)

HOORAY! I'm so happy for you! And thank you for leaving the link!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nice decluttering and organizing @phoenixwren Job Well Done👍 virtual high 5!! The constant task of sorting through the pile(s). But, the cuteness and awesomeness of Yuan the kitteh -- that's the ticket ❤❤❤ hope you can sit and enjoy the fruit of your effort now that the work is done! May you be blessed to come accross some sturdy shelves in your future 🎉

Thanks! Yes, Yuan helps me a lot. Maggie too, each in their different ways. 😊 He's more the explorer, though!

I've been purging books for a few years now. After a lifetime of collecting them, it was hard, but I'd had to relegate so many of them to an outbuilding that kept getting moldy and I thought, why do I need these?

As long as an ebook was available for a few dollars, I knew the cost of storage was greater than the cost of replacing those words when I needed them again.

What did you do with the discarded books? Library donation? Yard sale?

Little Free Libraries. I usually take a few along on my walks and put them in one as I pass by.

Oh yeah - I'm so glad you've got those around!

Thanks for the inspiration, by the way. You got me going on today's post and I gave you a shout-out!

Right on, thanks! Going to read now!

Oh look, I found an image on Facebook that speaks to me. 😂