Should we buy a book or better still "Download"?

in books •  9 years ago 

Should we buy the book, the arguments in favor of the purchase.

Today all Intellectual property is very vulnerable. It can be "Searched in Google" and downloaded any product. Hence, in the minds of many people have a resonant question whether to buy books. Several years ago, I also had not realized the profitability of the industry. I thought that buy books only to those who have not yet learned Internet.

Now, I believe this opinion was erroneous. Moreover, 90% of the books, of which I tell, I bought. They are in my home library. Let me explain why.

Should we buy the book, 5 reasons to answer "Yes":

1. The possibility of studying the full works. You can download "practically" all but the most cash works bestsellers are already under legal protection of publishers. Some books can be found standing today only click "Buy" on the shelves of bookstores.

2. The ability to constantly access to the product. How many literary files, once downloaded on your network, keep it up until now? Probably not, because they do not represent any value to you. The path of free content from the network to cart eternal. However, if the book will be bought even in digital form, you are unlikely to send it to the trash. But the print edition even allows to repeat the thrill of reading in any time.

3. Aesthetic pleasure. This puknt relates more to the print media. Tactile sensation of touching the paper, the smell of ink and the depth of the pages is that you never downloaded. However, the digital version of a paid product quality is also different formatting and colors. In general, for the money, again, delicious.

4. The ability to tell the author "Thank you" In the distance, buying books is the financial equivalent of your gratitude. You enjoy while reading, the author receives a fee for being provided to you interesting reading. The law of conservation of energy in action.

5. The opportunity to see new works. And it comes as a particular author, and about the industry as a whole. The author received a fee, see the relevance of his work, which means it can be motivation for further creations. Publisher digitize new book, prepare for print. Printing will give it a physical form. Stores will put it on their shelves. You will be able to buy a new composition. The circle is closed.

So, is it worth buying the book?

Of course yes. Moreover, in the present time of some of the works have a wide range of publications. Your "thank you" can cost as much as an average breakfast cafe, and can be equivalent to a carton of milk. In any case, you will support the author and industry, and begin to form their own library.

That is why, there will never be links to the free edition without the permission of the authors. Only this way we can form a society in which the value of creativity and works of the mind are worthy of evaluation.

Read books. Support the authors. Buy the product, if you have the opportunity. Well, I will help you choose interesting books on my blog!

Appreciate the time, enjoy life and be happy!

Best Regards, Soulbrain.

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it's just a question, if you like ebooks or not :) For me, I think it is easier at my study to carry an E-book. But for my normal reading I prefer normal books.

I prefer a real hardcopy, because it is something about concentration that allows me to really enjoy reading hardcopy. I always find myself distracted on ebooks, whether its on the iPad or my computer. :D