What you do not want? The power of negative thinking.

in books •  9 years ago 

There is no good and no bad, it is our attitude towards this ..

Hello, dear friends! You all know that positive thinking - this is a great opportunity to maintain the brightness of life. And indeed it is.

But recently, I talked about the book, Steve Chandler, "100 ways to self-motivation" (links to all the reviews of the book will be at the bottom of this article). And in addition to a variety of ways to find motivation and effort. There I found a very interesting concept. Its purpose - to prove that negative thinking is also useful! Surprisingly for such a positive book, is not it?

I was surprised at first too. Even I was outraged! As a positive book can argue about the benefits of negative thoughts? But it is possible!

The power of negative thinking from Steve Chandler:

Steve Chandler - not only a writer, but also a lecturer. He conducts seminars, aimed at increasing efficiency. It helps unleash the power and force of personality.

And so, in one of his seminars, he gave students the task. He told them to write what they want. His goals, desires and dreams. And what do you think? cMany have not written anything, some - only a couple of lines.** And this for a very long time.

Lecter is outraged. And then he decided to change the job. He said - well, then write what you do not want. And then pencils and pens made noise in the hall. **Many people asked for a second sheet, as they have over the place. And when Steve said that time is over, some people said they did not write even a half!

What conclusion can be drawn?

We often don’t know what we want, but we always know what we don’t want.

The lecturer knew it, and he decided to use negative thinking to the benefit of their students. He simply told them to rewrite the list of what they do not want. Formulate a positive proposal, what they want. For example, if a person wrote that he does not want to drive an old car, and now he had to write that he wants to buy a new one. Negative suggestions are transformed into positive attitudes.

That's how our negative thoughts can go in our favor.

You don’t know what you want? It's okay, write what you don’t want. And so you get a real purpose. You will receive the reasons for which to change and improve your life!

And in general, I would like to add a few words. I believe that in life there is nothing absolutely wrong and absolutely good. Does our attitude toward the situation and specifics.

From metal make a teeter that bring joy. From metal make bullets that bring tears. But it's just metal. And how to apply it, the person decides for himself ...

So try to make the right choices and to set good goals.

Best Regards, Soulbrain.

Appreciate the time, enjoy life and be happy!

My goal is $ 100,000
100 ways to self-motivation. Part 1
100 ways to self-motivation. Part 2
100 ways to self-motivation. Part 3

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Grumpy cat confirmed.
Just joking, interesting post about self motivation. I think it's very appropriate to say that all decisoins can't be absolutely wrong and absolutely good, there are always good and bad consequences , except for a nuke launch, but this is the exception that proves the rule.
keep it up and continue sharing encouraging posts. Cheers

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Thank you. I believe that in the world more colors than black and white. Simply, there are events and things that are closer to black. There are light moments closer to white. But there is no absolute. Therefore it is necessary to use all the colors in our favor.

hi great post i will be featuring it today

I also wrote about the benefits of negative thinking - https://steemit.com/psychology/@ratel/the-benefits-of-negative-thinking

I wrote you a comment to the article. The negative experience - the same experience. Still, I am glad that there is valuable information that people read!

Thank you so much

can you get onto steemit chat please https://steemit.chat

I need to create an account there?

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment