Concept Cover and Back Cover for My Novel

in books •  7 years ago 

These aren’t my final choices necessarily, just concepts that I hope I can pay a pro to turn into something better. Though I probably will use the back cover blurb and pic, even though it needs some work still.

The front cover pic is from Pexel and I really like because the guitar player actually looks like the main character in my novel. Just dumb luck that I happened to find it. It’s CCO, so I’m hoping I can use it. I used Canva to add the text.

If all goes as planned I’ll do a book launch in September.

Gutter Back cover 3.png

The Gutter Punk Express boge cover2.png

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I used Canva to add the text

I periodically make up my blog posts with TOP quotes. I really want to add this.

Sure, if you want to you are welcome to it.