Title: The Heart Forger
Author: Rin Chupeco
Age Group: Teen/Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy/Horror
Series: The Bone Witch, book two
Star Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars
I borrowed this book from my local library and reviewed it.
The Bone Witch was one of my favorite books of last year, so when I received word that it was going to have a sequel, I was ecstatic. As soon as it came out, I ordered it from my local library. It’s been sitting in my library stack for a while, and when I realized that it would go back soon, as soon as I finished To Kill a Kingdom, I got started on it. As with most sequels, it took me a little while to remember everything that happened in the previous book, but once things got rolling, I was totally captivated by Tea’s tale; I’m so excited that this will have another book! Chupeco delivers, doubling the action, romance, and political intrigue, to the shocking conclusion that made my jaw drop! The Heart Forger is just as strong as its predecessor, and I can’t wait for the last book in the trilogy!
Tea continues telling her tale to the mysterious Bard, going back and forth between the past and present. She has begun mastering the power to control the darkness, and the coveted and reviled ability to take life and return it. Finished with her self-imposed exile, now she longs for revenge and answers. Backed by an army of terrifying daeva, she returns, determined to dismantle the royal family’s hierarchy for their many wrongs against her, and stole the life of the person who meant the most to her. But it turns out that there are secret plots in the shadows that even Tea can’t foresee, and with war brewing amongst the nations, she must discover who she can really trust, or risk losing what’s left of what she has…
I really, really enjoyed this book! As I said previously, as with most sequels, it took a few chapters for me to catch up; but once I did, I was glued to the pages, the pacing breakneck. I really liked the format of The Bone Witch and The Heart Forger, the way that the narrative went back and forth from past to present. Sequels usually make me anxious, because I’m not sure that they’ll live up to the hype. But The Heart Forger more than delivered, especially in the action, romance, and political intrigue areas. I loved the way that the characters were expanded in this book, especially the side characters. But what really stood out to me was Tea’s character development; I loved it, and of course, the romance! I was swooning during those parts. It was really nice, balancing that with the more horrific, terrifying parts of the novel. I was shocked by the ending; I couldn’t believe it ended that way, and the only way I’ve been halfway okay with finishing it is that there’s more to come in the future! I can’t for The Shadowglass! The bottom line: The high-octane sequel to The Bone Witch, I loved The Heart Forger—I only wish I didn’t have to wait nine months for the last book in the trilogy! Next on deck: The Price Guide to the Occult by Leslye Walton!