Books I'm adding to my re-read list

in books •  4 years ago 

As followers of my blog know, I'm an avid reader. Just take a look at my previous posts to see some of the many book note posts that I have shared. But do you know what's even more important than reading? Re-reading.


For whatever reason, I find that when I re-read books, that is when I really get a lot more value out of them. I remember more. Things that resonated with me the first time start to hit home. And the great thing about reading a book is that it gives you a hit of inspiration and motivation - except that it fades over time so the whole point of re-reading is to regain that inspiration and motivation again.

As I read more and more books, I find myself drawn to a select number of books that I believe are worth adding to my own re-read list. These are books that I have read with messages so important to my life that I feel the need to get 'more' out of the book by re-reading it.

What to say when you talk to yourself by Shad Helmstetter

This book is all about self talk. In other words, what you say to yourself when good or bad things happen. Because what you say to yourself affects your inner programming. Self talk is likely a major reason why you may not have lost that weight, gained financial independence or started that business.

Take for example attending a conference. You listen to a keynote speaker and you are absolutely inspired. You feel motivated to take action right away when you get home. Except when you get home, life gets in the way. Your kids are screaming. Your wife is yelling at you to do the chores. Your boss is angry that you haven't gotten your work done on time. What ends up happening is that you forget what the keynote speaker said and instead 'rewrite' this with self talk that you have always used. You tell yourself that you just need to 'get by' and then things will be okay. Or you tell yourself that once the kids have grown up, you will have the time and energy to start a business. This self talk makes it so that you do things as you have always done. The trick then is to re-program your self talk so that it changes you. And change you it will.

The Twelve Pillars by Jim Rohn and Chris Widener

The Twelve Pillars is a parable, one that shares the lessons from Jim Rohn's keynotes and speeches. I won't ruin the story for you, but as I mentioned before, if you need inspiration to change your life, you need to re-read books to constantly inspire (and re-inspire) you.

A kick in the seat of the pants by Roger von Oech

Despite the title, this book is not about inspiring you to take action, but more so to give you the jolt necessary to get out of any creative ruts you might have. What I love about this book is that it breaks down the creative process into four different roles, and Roger provides specific strategies and tactics for being successful in each role.

Creativity is not a wishy-washy subject where people go into a room and then come out with brilliant ideas. There are proven strategies and tactics to generate innovative ideas, even if you feel like you are not creative at all.

I know that whenever I am on a project, having more ideas will always help so understanding this creative process will help you no matter what you do.

Get Sh*t Done by Jeffrey Gitomer

When I first read this book, I didn't think much of it. It was only when I re-read it that I really felt like I needed to get my ass off the couch and start working on things that matter.

Jeffrey lives and breathes his philosophy. Every single day, he gets up to write, prepare and create. He has written numerous best selling books. He has given hundreds of speeches and workshops. And he provides sales advice that works.

Get Sh*t Done is a book that will help you get stuff done.

Keep Going by Austin Kleon

I was first introduced to Austin through his other best selling book Steal like an Artist. In Steal like an Artist, he provides 10 strategies for being creative. In Keep Going, he introduces 10 strategies for how to continue to be creative, in good times and bad.

If you don't think you are in a position to be creative, then I wholeheartedly agree. I won't argue with you. But I believe that every single position, no matter whether you are working as a data entry employee or a landscaper, has room and opportunity for being creative. And even if your job does not give you a chance to be creative, we all require some form of a creative outlet (especially during the covid pandemic). Whether it is playing with Lego, drawing, creating videos, gardening, sometimes those creative endeavours come easy to us, and sometimes it is a slog.

Austin provides 10 strategies for how to get yourself out of a creative rut, if and when you find yourself in one.

Do you have a re-read list of books that you re-read every year? What books are on your list?

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