Was life easier as a young adult for boomers or millennials?

in boomers •  2 years ago 


In my opinion?

It is all relative, but something that has always stuck with me was the way my Father said people, himself included, had it growing up in Flint and Detroit during the “good times” were SO good in fact, that he felt bad for my generation, that we were clearly getting screwed over in so many different ways; economically and culturally —I mean an 18 year old for many years (Vietnam aside) in Flint could basically drop out of high school and be making more than his principle the next day and start a family without a single worry in the world.

People don’t realize that unique post war era was so unique and so prosperous, I’m not sure we will ever experience something quite like it again (maybe when singularity hits).

All said, in my opinion, the nihilism we see in so many young people and that existential dread that one will not have the same or better quality of life than their parents, relatively speaking, is very real for millions of people, and I find it incredibly sad.

It’s why I say no matter how good or bad life may seem, fighting the good fight is always worth it for our children and future generations— and how important it is to remind oneself we stand on the shoulders of giants.

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