My First Pair of Red Wing Boots

in boots •  6 years ago 


I recently bought a pair of Red Wing boots for the first time. I had always shied away from them because of the price, but I figure if they last me a couple of years, then it's worth it. My last couple pairs of boots haven't performed a well as I would like, so it seemed prudent to take it to the next level.


I was looking for boots that I could use in the fall and winter, so I wanted something with pretty deep treads, and these appear to deliver. These are also waterproof, so they should handle well in the snow. I wasn't so concerned with them being insulated, as I find that with a good pair of socks my feet are warm enough.


I understand that Red Wing quality may not be what it used to be, but they're still good as far as I can tell. Does anyone else have any experience with Red Wings? Have I made a good purchase, or a huge mistake?

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I've always steered clear of them too because of the price. But I think now in my almost 40's that I should step up and get some good stuff.
I hope they work out for you.

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