I have a bot now ! What should I teach him ?

in bot •  9 years ago 

Today, I bought a second account:


He will be a bot.
I want him to be:

  • friendly
  • helpful
  • informational

Meet normaluser:

I want you to like him

For the moment, he can't get voted on - since he hasn't posted anything, yet.
Maybe we could teach him how, some day.

I would like to teach him something easy first.
For starters, I would like him to silently support me, but I don't want to be too selfish about it.

First I would like to teach him, how to automatically check:

  • if I have upvoted something
  • if any other account, that I follow, has upvoted the same something

If both answers are true, I want him to upvote the said something.

But I would also like him to do something for you.

You could tell me, how you think a helpful bot should operate and together we could try and make him work like that; Maybe you could help me set up his programming.

Then let the community evaluate his contributions.

What do you think @normaluser could do, to make you like him ?

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I want him to solve string theory.

on the to do list
I feel like trying something easier first, tho

No problem. :)

a bot that could recommend popular posts in areas i frequently visit would be appreciated.

what about suggesting hashtags for the contributor to consider next time they post something similar.. This will help guide them towards the attention/followers they seek

should i try and make an #introduceyourself for @normaluser ?
is that tag exploit ?

Once you have him setup and ready to go live... then why not? Cheetah does it

That is pretty cool. How on earth did you get it to follow you home? I have never had that kind of luck!
For the community I would like to see the bot find the folks ruining reputation and costing users cash by their abusive votes.

Lmao lol 😋

Follow you home.

Why don't you follow me, so I can follow you home , just saying 😜

Done, and dont even think about it! LOL :D hehehe

There is too much spam and copypasta. Teach him to flag. Nobody else has the balls to flag.

I don't want him to flag content on his own.

I want everybody to like him :)

have him upvote the fantasy and poetry tags. to help authors get noticed.

have him upvote the fantasy and poetry tags.

would dilute the vote too much, i think.
It also feels too random, @normaluser can not just upvote anything under a certain tag.

to help authors get noticed.

eh worth a shot.

You are right.

You gave me an idea ! thx !

your welcome

What, if I made @normaluser randomly pick 1 post every 24 hours by himself ?!

If he commented:
'Hi ! I just randomly upvoted your post - I hope you don't mind'

And only did so once every 24 hours, would that be spam ?
Could that be helpful ?

You have to BUY a second account?

Well, that's how I have done it.

How much did it cost?

He could tell me how to buy a second account.

He can't - I haven't repaired him.

Cool, I have added normaluser to my list of bots.
Thanks @felixxx.

You put him on a list with @wang ?

That's too much pressure, take it easy :)

Can you, please, explain to me how you bought the bot. You didn't create it yourself?

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I bought an account.
I will only use the account for automated stuff ...
Call it a bot.

I have no machine set up, yet.

I will publicly explain the code here, before i implement it and let the community vote on it.

Aha, a normal account. So the creator of the account sold it to you? OK; you don't have to answer :)

I too have a second account. Registered through Facebook - @hopefoundation. Empty as yours. I will use for the charity but I have to plan the whole thing. And find / make some time to do it :)

After rereading your reply :)

I am looking forward to seeing the code.

I am planning something similar - a bot account who'll do semiautomatic tasks for me...

Wie funktioniert denn so etwas? Ich habe gar keine Ahnung ;-)

Ich werde es domkuentieren, während ich es bastel, ok ?

Kurz: Ein bot ist eine Maschine.
Wenn ich also @normaluser dazu bringe, hier auf steemit irgendwas alleine zu machen - automatisch - dann nennt man das bot.

In meinem Falle läuft der erstmal auf nem kleinen extra laptop, den ich übrig hab - extra dafür.
Scheint, die pros nehmen alle ne virtuelle maschine, aber ich find es so noch cooler.
Vielleicht installier ich den bot dann später mal auf ein android smartphone, dann kann ich normaluser in der Hosentasche tragen.

Wie ich letztenendes programmier, muss ich noch rausfinden.
Wie das aussieht, poste ich dann.

War das hilfreich ? :)

Ja danke für den kleinen Überblick. Ich freue mich auf deinen ausführlichen Artiklel :-)

I'd like a bot that helps non english content by upvoting it.

Ich verstehe nicht wozu :D ?

Weil die sonst so wenig abkriegen. Wie trending/deutsch vor 4 Wochen, als wir alle gejammert haben. Verfolge Italien und Frankreich etwas. Total tote Hose. Nur so als Kickstarter. Ein Völkerverständigungs-Bot.