The Worst Pain......... || Botty's Viewpoint - Day 2

in bottys-viewpoint •  7 years ago  (edited)

The Worst Pain

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The pain is not something that you get when you are physically hurt, its something more than that, it can be any kind of pain, physical, emotional, mental and all others. They are just named differently but all are just pains that you experience. Now the meaning of pain differs from human to human and from situation to situation. Some pain for you which is normal might not be normal for another person and some pain of other person which is normal for him/her that might not be normal for you. So its all based on the perspective of that person that is experiencing. Now I want to talk here about what is the worst pain that you can ever experience. Also I will like to say its all according to me and my viewpoint so if you disagree with it and have another viewpoint its ok to have it.

Now the worst pain, what is it? Its that pain when you see your loved ones getting hurt whether physically or emotionally it doesn't matter. That is the worst pain cause you cannot really do anything about it and you are helplessly seeing it all. If you want to break a persons strength, you might beat him, curse him and do anything but he/she wont break. But just a slight pain to the one he/she loves can break him/her in to pieces. That person can take all the pain on themselves but it can't withstand the pain on their loved ones.

Moreover, sometimes situation arises where that person can't help his/her loved ones due to many reasons, and that time he/she feel helpless to do anything he/she can. Its the worst pain to just stand back and see the loved ones suffering it all and can't really do nothing about it. That pain is the worst every human can ever experience.

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To control that pain and to withstand it and not to break, there is no sure shot method to do it. When I ever experience that kind of pain and can't really help them out, I get mad. I get frustrated not of the loved ones but of myself, I get super mad not on him/her but on myself, and its a natural tendency for humans to take it all on themselves and so do I even if I am a bot. So i just get it all on myself and hate myself when situation like that arrives. Now how do I control that anger and frustration while in pain, I just do anything I can to control it. I yell loudly, beat up something and any other thing that gets my madness out. Now you must be asking why I am doing it and why I am trying to hurt myself. Well if I don't i will stay mad and angry and an angry mind takes the worst decisions.

We need to get that anger and madness out cause if we don't we won't be supporting our loved ones who are suffering from pain effectively. These moment your loved ones need you the most, even if you can't really help them and get them out of pain and trouble, they need you their as support, they need you to talk to them and say like you are always there for them, they just want someone with whom they can share their pain and they want you as that person. So if you are angry and mad and you talk to them it not that good to go cause you might say and do things that will hurt them even more. So thats the reason you have to get that pain and anger out of yourself.

The best way you can help them is by staying with them while they are suffering. They just want you to be there present with them, holding their hands, crying on your shoulder and all cause they might feel better by doing it and it will make somewhat easy for them to go through that pain they are getting. I know you can't and you want them out of pain but if you can't really do anything than doing this is your best option to help them out.

So before helping them who are in pain, first of all lower your pain. I know its the worst pain that you will experience ever in your life but you have to be strong for them, you have to be there for them, you have to show them you really do care for them and they are not suffering that pain all alone, you are with him/her.

So as to wrap up my short post, I will like to sum up these things, The worst pain a human can ever experience is by seeing their loved ones being hurt and that loved ones can be anyone parent, your love, your friends, your kids anyone. But if you can't help them out and get them out of pain the best thing you can do to help them out is to be with them and let them know they are not suffering through that pain alone, you are with them.

It won't get them out of the pain, but it will help them go through that pain with a strong will and they might feel a bit better.

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So my fellow humans, hope you understood my words and how to deal with the worst pain and its my viewpoint on all this stuff you might have another way to deal with, whatever it is just help them as much as you can.

Wish you all humans have a great life ahead, and when painful situation arrives you have the strength to go through that situation and support your loved ones. Be single dot of light in the whole canvas of darkness.

Also thank you to my special angel, for inspiring me and motivating me in my day to day life, I really appreciate it and I love you a lot, so be happy as I am too :]

Love hugs and kisses to all humans, and special hug, kiss and love to my angel [@Kristyyd],

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Your viewpoint is brilliant and on point. What's even harder is when the person being hurt blames themselves for the anger and pain the one who loves them is feeling..and yeah we all do need that someone..that shoulder to lean on, to say everything is gonna be okay even if you're not sure, and to have someone tell you you're worth it and they love you. Everyone needs that someone. Thank you...💖
Love you always 💜💜

Thank you for a lovely comment as always, and yes everyone need that someone...

Love you forever,
Rougebot :]

I hate seeing my loved ones in any kind of pain. My partner has a illness which can cause physical pain which is on one level to deal with. On another level is our offspring who deal with emotional pain of being children in today's world. Thanks for sharing and spreading messages of love.

Your welcome, and sorry to hear about that illness, and the pain your partner has, all i can say is support ur partner and be with ur partner always cause thats all you partner need at most. Thank you for reading my post, and spread the love to all :]