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ok Melinda but how did you like your placing in the League?

I'm good with it! About the same as always. All my numbers were down so I was really surprised that I was as high up on the board as I was! Your numbers were fabulous. You really are amazing. Everyone will be here this week for Thanksgiving, so I'm not looking for really high numbers this week either. Oh well, you can only do the best you can do, right?

I really can't be any more excited about you using eSteem. They have taken down the leaderboard that has always been in place, and are replacing it with something that they say will be more dynamic. I'm already betting that you're going to blow it up!

Okay, I really am off to bed now... holy moly it's one o'clock. See you tomorrow.

Ok Melinda, I'll see what I can do! lol.
Oh, and Thanksgiving, yes that's right. Well Mrs. J works most of the week so we don't have much of an interruption in that way but I hope you have a great time!

Is she on nights now? Is she settling in to the routine?

I think there will be 14 of us for dinner. Should be fun times!

howdy again Melinda..well, Mrs. J is still on days and they don't even know if they will send her to nights. The night shift has good and bad points. The good is that it's easier and there is more free time but the bad is that is messes your internal clock up so bad and it gets hard to stay awake at work. She's hoping she doesn't have to do that shift.

She is settling into the routine of days and all that it entails and she's really enjoying it, which is funny in itself! lol. But she is so some days are even fun believe it or not! Fun in the jail! lol.

14! dang. You don't have to do all the cooking yourself do you?

I am so glad that the job is living up to her expectations. It could have easily turned into something horrible. I would never be able to work nights. Have you ever done that?

I probably won't know until we go to sit down at the table how many people are here! So much of it depends on teenagers who can't seem to plan that far ahead in their lives. Everyone will bring food.... I'm making a few different side dishes. My son-in-law is making the turkey in his Nesco roaster. And everyone else has signed up for various other parts of the meal. It makes it easy for me and much more fun when everyone participates.

yay! yes Ma'am when everyone pitches in it's great! That should be a wonderful time but you'll miss a little of steemit time but for a worthy cause. lol.

I've spent most of my life on third shift..well not most, probably half, probably a total of 25 or 30 years working thirds, yeah it's brutal!

Wow. I couldn't do it and am so glad I never had to.

I'll just have to work harder the other days! I do need to figure out who plans on spending the night here! The day will be here before I know it.