Boulder Sunday - Between A Rock & A Hard Place

in bouldersunday •  5 years ago 

As a good citizen I did my part in extreme social distancing last weekend. But then a bunch of other people decided to do the same thing, even some firemen and county workers! What I mean to say is last weekend when I was out hunting minerals there were a ton of people out in the mountains and the desert enjoying their COVID19 lives too. Many clumped up in large groups of motorhomes and ATV's.

During that time I went to a nemesis mountain of mine, Haystack. It's a mountain of boulders I've written about before, In the past I've tried to scale it and failed. This time was the same, but a bit more rewarding.


This was a group of boulders that got in my way and set me on a route that would change my day towards the positive. Two giant, granite boulders about 12' tall each seemed to have been separated thousands of years ago and captured a little one as it tried to roll down the mountain.

As I started to go around the boulders I saw very fresh scat from that morning. My concern was of a mountain lion, so I decided to turn around and go to the other end of the mountain to a spot that had produced very well for me in the past.

That turned out to be an amazing decision. It lead me to 3 thick veins of amazonite & smokey quartz.



The views from this side were amazing.


Unfortunately it was nearing noon and I had to get on the road to make it back home. I quickly broke out some material and saved the good stuff for another dig.

The mountain may have bested me, but I still plundered some of her treasure.



I'll be back....

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What a magnificent place to get away to, guess others had
the same idea! lol
Glad you found some beautiful minerals and not a mountain lion,
tho that would of looked cool on top of those gorgeous boulders! :-)
Wow that is some real pretty amazonite @rt395!
Such a nice view there looking back down the valley, I see a
pick-up truck in the distance. (echo) lol